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Advancing Police Leadership: Considerations, Lessons Learned, and Preferable Futures

Author: Joseph A. Schafer, Sandy Boyd (editors)
Organisation: Futures Working Group
Publish Date: 2010
Country: Global
Sector: Corporate
Method: Expert panels
Theme: Public Good
Type: Conference Proceedings
Language: English
Tags: Policing, Leadership, Commonalities, Leadership efficacy, Motivating, Inspiring, Compelling

In a recent project the author surveyed one thousand police supervisors seeking their definition of “effective leadership” and their beliefs about the traits and habits of effective leaders. The responses suggest the presence of some commonalities, but also disagreement and contradiction in what constitutes leadership and what ensures leadership efficacy. While we can reach general agreement on what leadership means, detailing how to lead is far more nuanced and generates divergent points of view. This volume will not resolve the ambiguity and uncertainty regarding leadership and leaders. If some contributors achieve their objectives, readers may find their thinking challenged by new perspectives and complexities they had not previously considered. The objective of this volume is to discuss the dynamic and complex nature of leadership within the context of policing; this task is undertaken with the secondary objective of discussing leadership while focusing on the future of policing. As such, the intention of the editors and contributors is to not dwell excessively on the past and present though consideration of both is necessary. Rather, the intention is to consider the leadership challenges policing will confront in the future and the ways in which police leaders and agencies might best prepare for and confront those challenges.
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