"If ever there was an industry ripe for disruption – and in need of a tech overhaul – the automotive industry it is."
Bob O’Donnell - Founder and President, Technalysis Research
Foresight For Development turns the spotlight on the future of cars.
Featured in Bibliozone this month is a collection of publications related to the future of cars. The selection of documents is partial and based on accessible material. Therefore, we would like to invite everyone to supplement our library with additional materials.
From our FFD library:
Here are the publications available in our library:
- 12 trends that will shape the future of the car industry by 2030
- Accelerating the shift to new mobility services
- Advice on automated and zero emissions vehicles infrastructure: Future scenarios
- Africa’s Automotive Industry: Potential and Challenges
- A Survey on the State and Future of Automotive Software Release and Configuration Management
- Auto Insurance for Automated Vehicles: Preparing for the Future of Mobility
- Automobile Industry: Past, Present and Future
- Automotive 2030: Racing toward a digital future
- Automotive Africa - Mega Trends
- Automotive change drivers for the next decade
- Automotive Future and its Impact on Requirements Engineering
- Automotive Future Now Report 2016: Preparing the automotive industry for the next decade
- Automotive Industry Current And Long-Term Future Outlook
- Automotive retail 2030: Evolution of dealerships and potential new roles in retail
- Automotive revolution – perspective towards 2030
- Automotive software and electronics 2030: Mapping the sector’s future landscape
- Autonomous driving cars are key for mobility in 2030
- Autonomous Vehicle Implementation Predictions: Implications for Transport Planning
- Autos for Africa? Possibilities and Pitfalls for an Automotive Industry in Africa
- Building the automotive industry of 2030
- Can driverless cars be the destination?
- Car of the future: The Race for the Future of Networked Mobility
- Car of the future: Trends in next-generation automotive safety and security
- Cars 2025
- Commercial Vehicle of the Future: A roadmap towards fully sustainable truck operations
- Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
- Connected Car: technologies, issues, future trends
- Data-driven business models in connected cars, mobility services & beyond
- Deloitte Africa Automotive Insights Navigating the African Automotive Sector: Ethiopia, Kenya and Nigeria
- Digital disruption and the future of the automotive industry
- Digitalization of automotive industry – scenarios for future manufacturing
- Disruptive transport technologies and the future of transport in South Africa
- Driving into a low emissions future: Looking beyond 2021
- Driving the Future: A Scenario for the Rapid Growth of Electric Vehicles
- Electric Vehicle - Disruptor of the automotive ecosystem
- Emerging trends and technologies in the automotive sector: Supply chain challenges and opportunities
- Exploring the policy impacts of a transition to electric vehicles in South Africa
- Five trends that will reshape the auto industry by 2030: How electrification, autonomous cars, urban mobility, connectivity, and emerging markets will change the auto industry
- Five trends transforming the Automotive Industry
- Foresight Vehicle Technology Roadmap: Technology and Research Directions for Future Road Vehicles
- Future of automotive retail: Shifting from transactional to customer-centric
- Future of mobility 3.0: Reinventing mobility in the era of disruption and creativity
- Future of the vehicle - Winners and losers: from cars and cameras to chips
- Future scenarios for the derivation of material requirements - The automobile interior 2030
- Future trends in mobility: the rise of the sharing economy and automated transport
- Geared for Growth South Africa’s automotive industry masterplan to 2035
- Global Automotive Industry: Key Forecasts for 2030
- Global Automotive Industry: Massive Disruption and Unprecedented Uncertainty - Winners and Losers
- Infographic: The Future of Automotive Innovation
- Insight into future mobility
- Is the auto industry ready for the world of 2030?
- Longer Term Investments: Smart mobility
- Managing the Future: The automotive world to 2100
- Mapping the automotive software-and-electronics landscape through 2030
- Mega Trends and Their Impact on Future of Mobility
- Mobility as a Service: The next transport disruption
- Mobility Engineer 2030
- Motoring towards 2050
- On the Road toward 2050: Potential for Substantial Reductions in Light-Duty Vehicle Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Our electric automotive future: CO2 savings through a disruptive technology
- Outlook 2030: How Mobility Trends Affect Value Added by Automotive Suppliers
- Peak Travel, Peak Car and the Future of Mobility
- Presenting The Future of Mobility, Today.
- Reimagining mobility
- Re-inventing the wheel: Scenarios for the transformation of the automotive industry
- Rethinking Transportation 2020-2030: The Disruption of Transportation and the Collapse of the Internal-Combustion Vehicle and Oil Industries
- Road transport vehicles in South Africa towards 2050: Factors influencing technology choice and implications for fuel supply
- Scenario Planning and Emerging Global Trends for the Future of Roads and Automobile Transport
- Seating Positions and Activities in Highly Automated Cars – A Qualitative Study of Future Automated Driving Scenarios
- Self-Driving Cars: Are We Ready?
- Self-driving cars: The next revolution
- Shell Passenger Car Scenarios up to 2030: Facts, Trends and Options for Sustainable Auto-Mobility
- Taking the high road: Strategies for a fair EV future
- Technology driving tomorrow’s cars
- The automotive aftermarket in 2025: Trends and implications
- The Car You Will Be Driving in 2040: Top 10 Predictions
- The concepts of connected car and internet of cars and their impact on future people mobility
- The future car: Driving a lifestyle revolution
- The Future of Automotive Innovation
- The future of automotive mobility: Winning the power play in tomorrow’s radically changed automotive ecosystem
- The Future of Car Mobility 2014-2030: Material for a Debate on Framing Smart Mobility
- The future of car ownership
- The future of driving in developing countries
- The future of mobility is at our doorstep
- The future of motor insurance
- The future of road transport - Implications of automated, connected, low-carbon and shared mobility
- The Future of Technology in the Automotive Industry
- The Future of the Automotive Value Chain: 2025 and beyond
- The future of the car
- The impact of global sustainability trends on the Automotive sector and Motorsport’s role in supporting the industry’s adaptation to these pressures
- The Last Frontier: Prospects and Policies for the Automotive Industry in Africa
- Then, Now and the Future of the Car Cockpit
- The road to 2020 and beyond: What’s driving the global automotive industry?
- The Road to the Future of Cars: Opportunities and Key Features for Car Sharing Services
- The Software Car: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as an Engine for the Electromobility of the Future
- The trends transforming mobility’s future
- Trends that will transform the auto industry until 2030
- Users and automated driving systems: How will we interact with tomorrow’s vehicles?
- Vehicle-to-Grid Technology: State-of-the-Art and Future Scenarios
- Vision 2030 - Why the Automotive Industry will undergo dramatic change in the next 15 years.
- What’s in and on that car?
Also see: Future of Transport Bibliozone
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