Universal Basic Income
"Basic income is not a Utopia, it's a practical business plan for the next step of the human journey"
Jeremy Rifkin - Economic and social theorist, writer, public speaker, political advisor, and activist.
Foresight For Development turns the spotlight on Universal Basic Income.
Featured in Bibliozone this month is a collection of publications related to our monthly theme. The selection of documents is partial and based on accessible material. Therefore, we would like to invite everyone to supplement our library with additional materials.
From our FFD library:
Here are the publications available in our library:
Universal Basic Income
- A Basic Income Guarantee does not reduce poverty
- A basic income guarantee is a neo-liberal strategy for serfdom without the work
- A Bridge to a Universal Basic Income
- A Global Holistic Solution: Resource Based Economy
- Alternative Basic Income Mechanisms: An Evaluation Exercise with a Microeconometric Model
- An idea that should die after 2016: the universal basic income
- An Income of One’s Own? The Political Analysis of Universal Basic Income
- A Policymaker’s Guide to Basic Income
- A Strategic Opening for a Basic Income Guarantee in the Global Crisis Being Created by AI, Robots, Desktop Manufacturing and BioMedicine
- Assessing the Case for a Universal Basic Income in the UK
- Atlas Nods: The Libertarian Case for a Basic Income
- Basic income and the new universalism
- Basic Income: A Psychological Impact Assessment
- Basic Income: A Radical Proposal for a Free Society and a Sane Economy
- Basic income as a policy option: Can it add up?
- Basic Income Grant: There is no alternative! (BIG: TINA!)
- Basic income isn’t just a nice idea. It's a birthright
- “Breaking the Poverty Trap”: Financing a Basic Income Grant in South Africa
- Canada and the Changing Nature of Work
- Can Less Work Be More Fair? A discussion paper on Universal Basic Income and shorter working week
- Current Basic Income Experiments (and those so called): An Overview
- Employment guarantees are better than income guarantees
- F*ck work
- Four Basic Income Scenarios
- Free money the surprising effects of a basic income supplied by government
- From idea to experiment: Report on universal basic income experiment in Finland
- From Rats in Cages to Primates in Paradise — The Scientific Story of Stress in Society
- Guaranteed Mirage Income?
- How Basic Income Solves Capitalism’s Fundamental Problem
- How Basic Income Will Transform Active Citizenship? A Scenario of Political Participation beyond Delegation
- How might universal basic income influence gender roles? Exploring gender similarities and differences in the imagination of a basic income future scenario
- How to Reform Welfare and Taxes to Provide Every American Citizen with a Basic Income
- Is there a case for a basic income guarantee – Part 1.
- Is there a case for a basic income guarantee – Part 2.
- Is there a case for a basic income guarantee – Part 3.
- Is there a case for a basic income guarantee – Part 4 – robot edition.
- Is there a case for a basic income guarantee – Part 5.
- It’s Payback Time for Women
- Making the difference! The BIG in Namibia
- Modeling the Macroeconomic Effects of a Universal Basic Income
- Mothers And Basic Income: The Case For An Urgent Intervention
- “More Normal than Welfare”: The Mincome Experiment, Stigma, and Community Experience
- My own private basic income
- Negative Income Tax (NIT) and Unconditional Basic Income (UBI)
- Replaced by Robots: Human capital is under threat
- Scrapping Welfare, Hugh Segal
- Tech CEOs back call for basic income as AI job losses threaten industry backlash
- The Case Against a Basic Income
- The case Against Universal Basic Income
- The Free Banquet: The Case for Universal Basic Income
- The future of employment: How susceptible are jobs to computerisation?
- The Indestructible Idea of the Basic Income
- The Unconditional Basic Income and the Hayekian Price System
- Towards a Universal Basic Income in France: elements for a debate
- Universal Basic Income
- Universal basic income and the future of work
- Universal basic income and the future of work
- Universal Basic Income and the Threat of Tyranny
- Universal Basic Income: An idea whose time has come?
- Universal Basic Income – Empty Dreams of Paradise
- Universal Basic Income: G2P on steroids or an opening for cryptocurrencies?
- Universal Basic Income: The Answer to Automation? (INFOGRAPHIC)
- Universal Basic Income: Utopian reaction to a Dystopian scenario
- Universal Basic Income versus Unemployment Insurance
- Utopian thinking: the easy way to eradicate poverty
- What's better: An unconditional basic income or a job guarantee?
- What Would Happen If We Just Gave People Money?
- Why are CEOs now supporting basic income guarantees?
- Why do the poor make such poor decisions?
- Why Free Money for Everyone Is Silicon Valley's Next Big Idea
- Why Should We Support the Idea of an Unconditional Basic Income? An answer to a growing question of the 21st century
- Work is important for human well-being
Also see the Future of Work Bibliozone
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