Youth Bibliozone
“If we cannot prepare the future for our youths, then let’s prepare them for the future.”
In August, Foresight For Development turns the spotlight on the future of youth.
Featured in Bibliozone this month is a collection of publications related to African & Global youth futures. The selection of documents is partial and based on accessible material. Therefore, we would like to invite everyone to supplement our library with additional materials.
From our FFD library:
Here are the publications available in our library:
Youth Factbook: Infinite Possibility or Definite Disaster
The purpose of this fact book is to document the state of youth in Kenya. More specifically, the fact book seeks to present different youth indicators for purposes of providing an overview of age, gender, regional and socio-economic status of youth. Where data is available, East African, African and global comparisons are given to help us gauge our standing. The countries of analysis are randomly chosen.
The material in this book is collated from various secondary sources that are certified as credible. Since all these reports use different data collection methodologies, IEA has sufficiently referenced the work for further reading. The fact book covers 9 thematic areas. They include: Demographics; Health; Disability; Education; Family; Un/employment; Participation; ICT; and Crime. The facts are presented in charts, graphs and tables, highlighting simple observations.
The Youth Research Compendium
Given the central role young people played in the post-election violence in 2007, the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA-Kenya) sought to understand the state of youth in Kenya and explore the political, economic, social and environmental implications of a growing youth population now and in the future. In November 2010, IEA-Kenya published and launched the Youth Fact Book: Infinite Possibility or Definite Disaster? which generated considerable debate on the age, gender, regional and socio-economic dynamics of Kenya’s youth. In this second publication, the IEA-Kenya documents past trends which have contributed to the present state of affairs in youth demographics, employment, education, health, family, participation, vigilantism, crime, entertainment and sports. The work also identifies driving forces that have influenced these trends while analyzing those that are likely to shape the future. This is with the aim of understanding possible opportunities and risks that lie ahead in a country that is experiencing a demographic shift from a child-rich to a youth-rich population structure. A review of relevant policies to appreciate existing opportunities and gaps in order to design possible interventions is also incorporated in the researches.
Keys: Kenya Youth Scenarios
Keys: Kenya Youth Scenarios booklet gives a detailed account of four possible futures Kenya could face by 2031 as a result of a looming youth bulge. KEYS stand for Kenya Youth scenarios which are plausible futures the youth will face in future and their role in shaping their futures.
African Youth Report 2011: Addressing the youth education and employment nexus in the new global economy
“This report seeks to promote new and deeper knowledge of the potential of African young people and the broad conditions that have an influence on this potential. It acknowledges the predicament of African young people today, noting that they share visions and aspirations that are seemingly beyond their reach, yet are essential elements of today’s societies and the future which awaits coming generations. Accordingly, the report focuses on the youth-education-employment nexus in a global economy, because having access to education and later to employment is a precondition for poverty reduction, political stability, peace and security, and sustainable development. Well-educated young people are a source of efficient and productive labour, and a highly skilled and motivated workforce is essential to remaining globally competitive. The report analyses the interdependent relationship between education and employment and the challenges and opportunities facing African young people in these two realms within the context of regional integration and globalization. It provides information, describes best practices and poses questions that policymakers should take into consideration when working on issues that affect young people.”
- Africa 2060: Good News from Africa
- Africa and the Arab Spring: A New Era of Democratic Expectations
- Africa Environment Outlook for Youth: Our Region – Our Life
- African Youth Decade 2009-2018 Plan of Action
- African Youth Report 2009: Expanding opportunities for and with Young people in Africa
- Africa’s Demographic Challenges: How a young population can make development possible
- Africa's Youthful Population: Risk or Opportunity?
- Being Young in the GHEA: Perceptions, Expectations and Reality
- Egypt Human Development Report 2010 - Youth in Egypt: Building our Future
- Fixing Africa: Once And For All
- Foresight Youth Report
- Gauteng Youth Employment Strategy
- Integrated Youth Development Strategy for South Africa
- Kenya National Human Development Report 2009 - Youth and Human Development: Tapping the Untapped Resource
- Our voice counts: adolescents’ view on their future in South Africa
- Realising the Potential of Africa's Youth
- Regional Overview: Youth in Africa
- SA2020 Consolidated Document
- South Africa’s Youth Bulge: Risk or Opportunity?
- State of the African Youth Report 2011
- Strategies for creating employment for urban youth, with specific reference to Africa
- Strategies for Creating Urban Youth Employment: Solutions for Urban Youth in Africa
- Strategy paper on Urban Youth in Africa
- Sub-Saharan Africa’s Youth Bulge: A Demographic Dividend or Disaster?
- The National Youth Economic Empowerment Strategy and Implementation Framework 2009-2019
- The Socio-Economic Situation of Youth in Africa: Problems, Prospects and Options
- Towards a youth employment strategy for South Africa
- UNESCO SHS Strategy on African Youth: Towards an enabling policy environment for youth development and civic engagement in Africa (2009-2013)
- What if the Arab Spring turns into an African Summer?
- Youth in Africa’s Labor Market
- Youth in the Middle East and North Africa: Demographic Opportunity or Challenge?
- Youth Population in South Africa - Prospects for the Demographic Dividend
- Youth Skills Development, Informal Employment and the Enabling Environment in Kenya: Trends and Tensions
- Global Employment Trends for Youth 2012
- Half a Chance: Youth Bulges and Transitions to Liberal Democracy
- Mapping Youth Futures - Global Youth Culture: A Transdisciplinary Perspective
- Progress for Children: A report card on adolescents
- State of the Urban Youth 2010/11 - Leveling the Playing Field: Inequality of Youth Opportunity
- The Case for Investing in Young People as part of a National Poverty Reduction Strategy
- The Shape of Things to Come – Why Age Structure Matters To A Safer, More Equitable World
- The State of the World's Children 2011: Adolescents: An Age of Opportunity
- The State of the World’s Children 2012: Children in an Urban World
- World Youth Report 2010: The Youth and Climate Change
- World Youth Report 2011
- Youth 21: Building an Architecture for Youth Engagement in the UN System
- Youth Dissent: Multiple Perspectives on Youth Futures
- Youth Fact Sheets
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