Innovation-system foresight: Explicating and systemizing the innovation-system foundations of foresight and exploring its implications

Organisation: Technical University of Denmark
Publish Date: 2012
Country: Global
Sector: Innovation
Method: Foresight
Theme: Futures
Type: Article
Language: English
Tags: Innovation, Innovation systems, Innovation dynamics, Foresight
The paper is conceptually explorative. It aims to make two main points. First, we will do a literature review of innovation studies and one of foresight studies. The reviews show that foresight already has theoretical foundations in innovation studies, and has coevolved with the area since its birth. Hence, theoretical underpinning already exists. Our reviews make the latter explicit which helps us to illustrate linkages and suggest how further integration can take place with respect to the research needs in foresight mentioned above. Secondly, we explore potential implications for foresight (mainly in the planning phase) of accepting the innovation-system framework as its explicit theoretical basis. We suggest implications for: (i) the goal of foresight, (ii) system definition method, (iii) degree of participation, (iv) and method for mapping of system. These considerations leave us with a range of points for further research. Both of these points constitute contributions to the literature.
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