SUN Movement: Revised Road Map
The revised Road Map comes at a critical juncture for the SUN Movement. Whilst nutrition has higher political attention than ever before, there remains much to be done to demonstrate the added value

Organisation: Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN)
Publish Date: 2012
Supplement to Global Scenarios to 2025
The Shell Global Scenarios to 2025,published in 2005,provides an analytical framework to help understand how today’s geo-political,economic and social aspirations and forces are shaping our future.Th
Organisation: Shell Scenarios Team, Shell Corporate Affairs
Publish Date: 2010
Sustainability and change process
Suistainability and change processby Nicola RobinsPartner, Incite SustainabilitySenior Associate, Cambridge Programmefor Industry<br />
Organisation: Cambridge Programme for Industry
Publish Date: 2007
Sustainability of strategic minerals in southern Africa and potential conflicts and partnerships
This report provides insight into the sustainability of mineral resources that come from Southern Africa and that are of strategic importance to the United States and its allies. It analyses the comp

Organisation: US Department of International Security
Publish Date: 2010
Sustainable Communities and the Great Transition
This essay considers recent initiatives to promote sustainable local communities, and explores their potential for contributing to a Great Transition future (Raskin et al., 2002).

Organisation: Tellus Institute
Publish Date: 2006
Sustainable Economy in 2040: A Roadmap for Capital Markets
Sustainable Economy in 2040:A Roadmap for Capital Markets is a report by Forum for the Future funded by Aviva Investors. It shows investors how they can help create a resilient, stable and sustainabl
Organisation: Forum for the Future
Publish Date: September 2011
Sustainable Intensification: A New Paradigm for African Agriculture
The report provides innovative thinking and examples into the way in which the techniques of Sustainable Intensification are being used by smallholder farmers in Africa to address the continent’s foo

Organisation: Agriculture for Impact
Publish Date: 2013
Sustaining Good Governance in Water and Sanitation in Uganda
The monograph from the ISS attempts to answer these questions by making several recommendations that could be crucial to enhancing the capacity of the Ugandan government to attain the MDG targets on
Organisation: Institute for Security Studies
Publish Date: 2010
Systems of Cities: Harnessing Urbanization for Growth & Poverty Alleviation, The World Bank Urban & Local Government Strategy
A new paradigm has emerged, supported by a growing literature. Urbanization in the developing world was once considered too fast and unmanageable, something to be resisted and controlled. For many to
Organisation: The World Bank
Publish Date: July 2010