Scenarios for the Poorest: The View from 2030
Organisation: Outsights insights from the outside
Publish Date: 2004
Country: Global
Sector: Public
Method: Scenarios
Theme: Poverty
Type: Report
Language: English
Tags: Poverty, Development gains, Migration, BRIC, Global power balance, Technology, Civil society
To provide a greater focus on the needs of those who are least likely to benefit from any development gains Outsights has developed, with the help of an international multi-stakeholder group, a set of scenarios for the future of the world’s very poorest. The project was sponsored by the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID). Assisting in the project was the Chronic Poverty Research Centre, a consortium of North and South research institutions based at the University of Manchester. By the independent nature of the process, the views and scenarios expressed are of the individuals involved and do not necessarily reflect those of DFID.
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