Africa Futures Forum: Transforming Africa’s Future
Africa Futures Forum: Transforming Africa’s Future
We would be delighted if you would join us for the All Africa Futures Forum: Transforming Africa’s Future
26th – 28th May 2014. To be held at Wits University: School of Governance, Parktown, Johannesburg, South Africa
In collaboration with UNESCO and WITS School of Governance, the Southern African Node of the Millennium Project will host the All Africa Futures Forum with the theme Transforming Africa’s Futures. The aim of the three-day forum is to bring together African futures thinkers, and practitioners to explore how the “discipline of anticipation” has been shaped and applied in Africa and how it can be deliberately leveraged towards transforming Africa’s future onto more positive trajectories.
The objective of the Southern African Node of the Millennium Project is to promote futures thinking in South Africa across all sectors with foresight practitioners, futurists, strategists and planners in public, private sectors, civil society and academia. The Node serves a broader African foresight network agenda through the virtual platform Foresight for (FFD) and has recently extended into new partnerships in the SADC region.
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