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FLI Opens the Worldbuilding Contest








FLI Opens the Worldbuilding Contest

The Future of Life Institute has launched a Worldbuilding competition with a prize purse worth $100,000 plus. Individuals and teams are invited to design visions of a plausible, aspirational future which includes artificial general intelligence.

Worldbuilding is the art and science of constructing a coherent and relatively detailed fictitious world. It is frequently practised by creative writers and scriptwriters, providing the context and backdrop for stories that take place in future, fantasy or alternative realities. FLI's contest challenges entrants to use worldbuilding to explore possible futures for our own world.

The contest is designed to appeal broadly, with artistic components as well as more conceptual ones. Whether you're a writer, an economist, a scientist, an AI researcher, a student, a filmmaker, an expert in geopolitics or simply a Sci-Fi enthusiast, we believe there's something here for you.

FLI hopes to encourage people to start thinking about the future in more positive terms, particularly with regards to powerful new technologies. In order to steer the technology's trajectory in a positive direction, we need to know what we're aiming for. To know what future we would most like, we must first imagine the kinds of futures we could plausibly have. Unfortunately, not nearly enough effort goes into imagining what a good future might look like. Mainstream media tends to focus on the dystopias we could end up in. This contest seeks to change that.

Applications are due on 15th April 2022. For more information about the contest and to enter, visit: https://worldbuild.ai/

Last Updated on Sunday, 13 February 2022 15:27

Hits: 582

Africa Tech Summit Nairobi 2022








Africa Tech Summit Nairobi
Nairobi, Kenya – February 23 & 24 2022

Africa Tech Summit Nairobi connects tech leaders from the African ecosystem and international players under one roof. Network with key stakeholders including tech corporates, mobile operators, fintechs, DeFi & crypto ventures, investors, leading start-ups, regulators and industry stakeholders driving business and investment forward.


Last Updated on Friday, 14 January 2022 14:31

Hits: 650

Free online training on Anticipatory Governance









Free online training on Anticipatory Governance

The Centre for Sustainability Transitions (CST), in partnership with the USAID Resilient Waters Program, is excited to announce a free online training on “Anticipatory Governance: New ways of sense-making an navigating for uncertainty.”

Why take this online course?

Presented by experts in futures and foresight, resilience & complexity thinking.
Discover tools for exploring, envisioning, and planning for uncertainty.
Takes approximately 8 hours to complete.
It’s free and self-paced.

The course will open from 1st November 2021.

Enroll here: https://openlearning.unesco.org/courses/course-v1:RWP+01+2021_01/about

Last Updated on Tuesday, 26 October 2021 15:06

Hits: 724

Future Technologies Conference 2021





FTC 2021 - Future Technologies Conference 2021

28-29 October 2021 // Virtual Conference (from Vancouver, Canada)

Register for the FTC 2021, the world's pre-eminent forum for reporting technological breakthroughs in the areas of Computing, Electronics, AI, Robotics, Security & Communications.

FTC has emerged as the foremost world-wide gathering of academic researchers, Ph.D. & graduate students, top research think tanks & industry technology developers.


Last Updated on Tuesday, 26 October 2021 15:05

Hits: 1341

Real-Time Delphi (RTD) Invitation







The Millennium Project's State of the Future Real-Time Delphi (RTD) Invitation


You are invited you to share your judgments about several developments that may influence the future.

All those who respond will receive the results of the study. No attributions will be made – your answers will not be associated with your name. However, if you would like to be quoted for a specific comment you make, then you can add your name next to that comment. Your email is only used as key for re-access to the online questionnaire, it will not be shared with any third party, and will be deleted from the system after the survey is closed. The demographic data you share will only be used for analysis in this study.

To access the questionnaire:

- Please go to www.realtimedelphi.net
- enter your email address and click "Submit"
- enter the study code: reset1
- click the link "Please click here to proceed”

If you have any difficulty, send an email to Elizabeth Florescu <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>. You do not have to answer all the questions – just those you feel comfortable answering and you do not have to complete the questionnaire on one visit. This is a unique questionnaire called a Real-Time Delphi (RTD) – you can return as many times as you wish, read others’ responses, and edit and re-edit your own answers as often as you like until the deadline of October 30th.

The results will be used by The Millennium Project in its next State of the Future report and by EY (Ernst & Young) in their next global report. You are also welcome to use the results citing the source as The Millennium Project and EY.

Last Updated on Monday, 27 September 2021 13:43

Hits: 699

APF Friends of Foresight: Spiral to the Stars









Association of Professional Futurists is hosting APF Friends of Foresight: Spiral to the Stars

On the 20th of August, the Association of Professional Futurists brings you another Friends of Foresight, Spiral to the Stars: An exploration of Indigenous-way finding tools and methods in futures thinking and practice. All members, non-members, and friends of APF are invited.

???? When: August 20, 2021 | 8:00 PM, Sydney (GMT +10)
????Register here: https://lnkd.in/gJeCFsM
For more details, visit https://lnkd.in/gkUTw6i

How might we build genuine, novel, authentic and radical futures that empower communities to imagine, speculate, and ignite their dreams and visions of what can be? How might we link and sense make of the narratives of our ancestors, us and our stories and our future children and kin to innovate and strategize better today? Are there indigenous way-finding tools that we could learn and use to make foresight practice more robust, heterogenous, ethical, intergenerational-driven, plural, inclusive and diverse? What is indigeneity in futurity? What is indigenous foresight exactly? Can communities, whatever that might be, activate their own futures without the need of an expert? Are there indigenous foresight participatory tools and methods that we can use that allow for a foresight conversation that is rooted in culture and transformative memories of the future?

The next APF Friends of Foresight: Spiral to the Stars, wishes to reveal, discover, re-think and re-imagine professional foresight and futures thinking concepts and practice as we know it today. By providing a space to unpack and discuss indigenous narratives, tools, and inspirations, we open ourselves to heterogeneity and plurality of insights, experiences and stories on how futures and foresight are emerging and applied to different settings, cultures, societal and organizational contexts. The Spiral to the Stars session reflects on indigeneity in futurity, as friends share their perspectives, views, and experiences on the subject.

Last Updated on Saturday, 31 July 2021 15:47

Hits: 958


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