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Joseph Jaworski Next Generation Foresight Practitioners Award
















Joseph Jaworski Next Generation Foresight Practitioners Award

Are you someone who is disrupting and shaping the future? Could you make a difference with USD 25 000? The Joseph Jaworski Next Generation Foresight Practitioners Award is now open! This is an annual award established by the School of International Futures recognising the next generation’s endeavours in shaping the future. Apply by 31 May 2019 for a chance to win the main award of $25000 and over ten different Special Awards.

Who we want to support

Next Generation foresight practitioners between 18 and 35 years old (at the time of entry) or have fewer than ten years’ experience working in strategic foresight.

The world is changing and as it does we need new sources of inspiration and innovation. Change will come from many arenas and peoples. We believe that the practice of foresight can help us embrace change, uncertainty & create better futures. The Joseph Jaworski Next Generation Foresight Practitioners Award aims to identify these innovators and support them in their endeavours.

See the winners from NGFP2018 here https://nextgenforesight.org/awards.html

How we want to support

The Main Award includes a years’ incubator funding worth USD 25,000 to support a new foresight initiative, mentoring and support for the winner, as well a free ticket to our SOIF2018 retreat. Special Awardees (in social enterprise, urban policy, environmental humanitarian and geographical sectors, with more special awards being added soon) will also benefit from support to develop personally and professionally and all qualifying entrants will have opportunities to showcase their work and be invited to join the global “Sensing Network” community.

NGFP Webinars

To help maximise your chances of success, we are holding a series of webinars to support you through the application process, answer questions and provide you with an opportunity to speak to the NGFP2018 winner and judge.

Our next webinar is taking place on 16 April, 17.00 GMT. Register your place here: 


For more information on the awards visit nextgenforesight.org.

To find our more about sponsorship or judging opportunities please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Learn more about SOIF here https://www.soif.org.uk/


Last Updated on Thursday, 01 August 2019 13:18

Hits: 1453

4th Building Information Modelling Africa Conference












4th Building Information Modelling Africa Conference

13 - 14 March 2019, Johannesburg, South Africa

BIM adoption in Africa• Projects, BIM and Change management,• Strategies for achieving excellence in BIM implementation in Africa

MillaSA specially invites you to attend the 4th BIM Africa Conference 2019 which will be held in Johannesburg from 13 to 14 March 2019. This conference features top speakers and exhibitors with innovative offers for planning, construction and operation. The 4th BIM Africa Conference has been carefully positioned to provide a comprehensive and useful overview of BIM in Africa. It showcases the latest transformation developments towards the digitisation of the African construction industry, specific to building information modeling. The knowledgeable speaker panel made up of experts in this field, gives direction regarding other trends and provides critical updates.

Benefits of attending :
• Learn from top digital construction intellectuals and achievers in a sequence of discussions offering realistic, real-world insights that create a transformational experience to motivate you and your organisation.
• Listen to some of Africa’s big players in data and digital construction as they explain how the latest developments will shape the future of BIM in Africa.
• Learn more about the South African BIM strategy to standardise a competency framework for BIM professionals.
• Have your questions answered by some of the leading experts in the field of BIM.


Last Updated on Sunday, 03 February 2019 14:21

Hits: 1631

Webinar on Human Services 2035









National Leaders Collaborate to Offer Scenario Planning Webinar Series on Future of Human Services


To offer insights into what progress humans have made, what needs we will have and what human services will be in the United States in 2035 , leading national human services organizations are offering a three-part webinar series to help public and private human services providers and community partners respond to and prepare for major uncertainties in the state of the economy and employment, technology, policy, equity and inclusion. 


The Institute for Alternative Futures (IAF), funded by the Kresge Foundation, developed the Human Progress and Human Services 2035 project, which considered alternate futures for the nation and with eight state and local areas.  Now, IAF and Kresge are partnering with American Public Human Services Association (APHSA) and the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities to expand the reach and use of these scenarios through this webinar series.  


Webinar #1 – Introducing Scenario Planning and the Human Services 2035 Effort

Wednesday, Feb. 20 from Noon to 1 pm (Central Time)




In the first webinar, we’ll introduce the power of futures thinking and how this can benefit your    community and organization. The presentation team for this session features:


• Tracy Wareing Evans, President and CEO of APHSA, who will be introducing the webinar series 

• David Fukuzawa, Managing Director of the Kresge Foundation’s Health Program, on why Kresge supports this scenario effort

• Susan Dreyfus, CEO and President at the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities, on what scenario planning is and why it is a valuable tool for the human services community

• Clem Bezold, Chairman and Senior Futurist at IAF, on the process and input for this project, including forecasts for some of the key forces that moved the scenarios toward different futures


Webinar #2 – City, County and State Lessons from the Human Services 2035 Effort

Wednesday, March 6 from Noon to 1 pm (Central Time)




Hear from users of Human Services 2035 Scenarios as they describe their experience and insights; how the effort related to their planning and decision making; key learning; and results from the effort. Presenters will share their perspectives from the city, county and state level. 


• Richmond VA, Reginald Gordon, Director, Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

• Connecticut, Kathy Brennan, Deputy Commissioner at State Connecticut Department of Social Services

• San Antonio TX, Molly Cox, President and CEO, SA2020


Webinar #3 – Stepping into the Human Services 2035 Scenarios

Wednesday, March 27 from Noon to 1 pm (Central Time)




During the third Webinar, we will “step into” the futures of human services and human progress in the year 2035, exploring the four national scenarios. This session will train participants to think like a futurist and to use the scenarios in their organization or community to enhance their strategic planning, review their vision, and better create their preferred future.    


• Thinking like a Futurist – Clem Bezold, Institute for Alternative Futures  

• The Human Services 2035 Scenarios – Clem Bezold and Mary Carenbauer, Futurist, Institute for Alternative Futures 

• Insights and recommendations from the Human Services 2035 Project – Tracy Wareing Evans, APHSA and Raquel Hatter, managing director of The Kresge Foundation’s Human Services program  


NOTE:  Each of the three webinars will include time for questions and answers, as well as discussion.  


If you have questions about this webinar series or about the Human Process and Human  Services 2035 effort, please contact Mary Carenbauer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Last Updated on Sunday, 03 February 2019 14:14

Hits: 1005

Anticipation 2019









Anticipation 2019

Call for Contributions, 3rd International Conference on Anticipation, AHO, Oslo, 10-12 October 2019

Call for Participation - http://anticipationconference.org/call-for-participation/

Anticipation 2019 is a unique, radically interdisciplinary forum for exploring how ideas of the future inform action in the present. It brings together researchers, policy makers, scholars and practitioners to push forward thinking on issues ranging from modelling, temporality and the present to the design, ethics and power of the future. This conference includes attention to design amongst other domains.


Last Updated on Sunday, 02 December 2018 14:51

Hits: 1322

SAVE THE DATE - “2050 Global Work/Technology Scenarios” Workshops and Conference










SAVE THE DATE - “2050 Global Work/Technology Scenarios” Workshops and Conference


New Date: December 4th , 2018  7:00 am - 6:00 pm – Conference and Workshops


                  December 4th , 2018  6:30 pm - 9:00 pm – Networking Cocktail Dinner


Location: The Innovation Hub, 1 Mark Shuttleworth Street, Lynwood, Pretoria 0081


Registration: Required – Registration link : https://www.quicket.co.za/events/58846-global-work-tech-scenarios-2050-south-africa-conference/


The Southern Africa Node of the Millennium Project (www.sampnode.org.za) acknowledges the many pieces of work, workshops and conferences held in South Africa and globally addressing the theme of the ‘2050 Global Work/Technology Scenarios’. South African President Cyril Ramaphosa and the Prime Minister of Sweden Stefan Löfven, both former trade unionists, were appointed in May 2018 to co-chair the 28-member ILO Commission to oversee the preparation of a major report on the 2050 Global Work/Technology Scenarios to be published in early 2019.


During his maiden state of the nation address, President Ramaphosa stated that: “Government would soon establish a Digital Industrial Revolution Commission, which will include the private sector and civil society, to ensure that our country is in a position to seize the opportunities and manage the challenge of rapid advances in information and communication technology”.


The Southern Africa Node of the Millennium Project plans to host one-day workshops and national conference on 16 November 2018, addressing the ‘2050 Global Work/Technology Scenarios: 2050 Scenarios’.  The workshops and conference for 200 – 250 attendees will include influential and informed members of South African society from different spheres, who will share the insights and actively input to the final outcomes, focusing on:


Education, Training, and Learning


How should education, training, and learning systems change? And what strategies will make that happen?


Governance and Governments


Will a guaranteed income programme become necessary? What kind? When?  We need cash flow projections to show what is possible.


Science, Technology, and Innovation


AI/Robotics/synthetic biology/nanotech changes affecting work by 2025, 2035, 2050?


Society, Culture, and the Arts


What changes in culture will be needed?  Can a culture of self-employment for self-respect and self-actualisation be possible? If so, how to change culture that says jobs/employment is the source of self-respect?


Labour and Business


What are the impacts of changes in access to incomes, wages and jobs? What should be the roles of business in a national long-range strategy? Reducing income gaps and redressing wealth concentrations?


The Millennium Project (www.millennium-project.org) of which the Southern Africa Node of the Millennium Project  is part,  is an independent non-profit global participatory futures research agency with nodes located in several countries and regions across the world. Whilst each node is largely autonomous, nodes collectively share resources and collaborate on topics of international importance, which benefit from broader global association.


For general information on the Southern Africa Node of the Millennium Project’s 2050 Global Work/Technology Scenarios workshops and Conference please contact; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Event Co-ordinator: Ms Jean Chawapiwa, MD & Founder, Win Win Solutions 4 Africa (Pty) Ltd on: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 09 October 2018 12:36

Hits: 1499

Futures Festival 2018







Futures Festival 2018
Diverse Futures: A virtual conference that's open to everyone
Saturday, October 27, 2018, 12 hours of interactive sessions, 0700 to 1900 GMT-4 (EDT)

Diverse Futures is for you. You are a futurist, foresighter, strategist, changemaker, academic, activist, community builder, corporate leader, policymaker, human resources professional, mindful citizen, human, or AI that is seeking human understanding.


Last Updated on Tuesday, 09 October 2018 12:36

Hits: 853


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