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Nigeria Vision 2020: Building the Infrastructure

Nigeria Vision 2020: Building the Infrastructure

Nigeria's economy seeks to be among the top 20 economies in the World in terms of growth in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by the year 2020.

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Last Updated on Friday, 08 February 2013 13:56

Hits: 1899

What Is A Futurist? Interview Nine of Them in Nine Minutes

What Is A Futurist? Interview Nine of Them in Nine Minutes

What is a futurist? Every self-described futurist you ask will likely give you a different answer. A more interesting question is what do these people say about the future? Brian Bethune from Maclean's magazine recently put that query to a grab bag of inventors, technologists, geneticists, business consultants, and writers he encountered at WorldFuture 2012, the Society's recently concluded conference in Toronto, Canada.

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Last Updated on Friday, 09 November 2012 14:43

Hits: 1734

Nick Harkaway builds up a head of steam about the future

Here’s Nick Harkaway, speaking to Arc’s editor Simon Ings about “Attenuation”, his story in Arc 1.2, and about his new book The Blind Giant, a guide to being human in a digital world.

This interview, shot in full earshot of New Scientist's famous passive-aggressive air-conditioning system, is the first of a series of short videos featuring writers, thinkers and pundits, each of whom have a take - often a very personal and eccentric take - on our future.

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Last Updated on Friday, 09 November 2012 14:43

Hits: 1942

Economist Paul Krugman Is a Hard-Core Science Fiction Fan

Read the complete interview with Paul Krugman below, in which he analyzes the cashless future of Star Trek, talks about his economics paper “The Theory of Interstellar Trade,” [PDF] and evaluates whether or not it makes good business sense to invest in a Death Star.

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Last Updated on Friday, 09 November 2012 14:43

Hits: 1911


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