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East Africa Today: An interview with Modesta Lilian Mahiga

In Episode 19 East Africa Today visits the offices of Professional Approach Group (PAG) to have a chat with Ms. Modesta Lilian Mahiga, the PAG Group Managing Director. Last week the Tanzania HIV/AIDS and Malaria Indicator Survey 2011-2012 was released and though the results demonstrated a decrease in overall HIV prevalence in the country, women still bear the brunt of HIV prevalence (6.2%) compared to men (3.8%). We ask Ms. Mahiga why this is happening and whether we are doing something wrong. We also discuss the Tanzanian Form IV examination results, which saw 60% of students fail. Can we really say that the students failed or did society fail the students? Ms. Mahiga explains that the students are not necessarily failures. She stresses that when we speak of education we should think of it as something that goes beyond the classroom. In the podcast we examine whether the parents of these students were partly to blame. Have parents done enough to make sure our children are learning? It is in this context where Ms. Mahiga shares her vision of a transformed Tanzania and how it can become an economic powerhouse through changing mindsets and radical education reform.


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