Combining stakeholder scenarios and modelling: future food security, environments, livelihoods in the global south
Organisation: CCAFS and Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford
Publish Date: 2013
Country: Global
Sector: Agriculture
Method: Forecasting
Theme: Food
Type: Presentation
Language: English
Tags: Food security, Scenario development, Future food supplies, Population growth, Environmental impacts, Global changes, Market dynamics
Looks at the elements of the CCAFS framework namely technologies, practices, partnerships and policies for: 1. Adaptation to progressive climate change 2. Adaptation through managing climate risk 3. Pro-poor climate change mitigation, improved environmental health, improved rural livelihoods, improved food security, enhanced adaptive capacity in agricultural, natural resource management, and food systems 4. Integration for decision making • Linking knowledge with action • Assembling data and tools for analysis and planning • Refining frameworks for policy.
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