Selecting Best Policies and Law for Future Generations

Organisation: Centre for International Sustainable Development Law
Publish Date: 2008
Country: Global
Sector: Public
Method: Casual layered analysis
Theme: Protection
Type: Report
Language: English
Tags: Justice, Future, Principles, International treaties, International law, Sustainable development
In recent global policy-making processes, especially through the Summits in Rio and in Johannesburg, States have not agreed on one definition for sustainable development. Rather, they have focused on developing greater global consensus on how to achieve it, signing and ratifying international treaties where necessary. The world’s thousands of societies have diverse traditions and cultures, livelihoods, climates and living conditions. Economists, scientists and development scholars have only begun work on the necessary indicators and instruments which might help to answer these questions in diverse conditions and contexts. And international development objectives continue to evolve, as does our understanding of sustainability for different sectors, societies and conditions. It seems highly unlikely that there is one globally recognised and eternal definition for what constitutes ‘sustainable development’. However, especially in the context of specific treaty regimes, there may still be an emerging international law on sustainable development.
Located in: Resources