Technology and Innovation 2025
Organisation: Toffler Associates
Publish Date: November 2008
Country: Global
Sector: Technology
Method: Forecasting
Theme: ICT
Type: Report
Language: English
Tags: Technology, Innovation
In America, every four years, citizens charge a Presidential Administration with their trust to protect them from harm and lead them into the future. At that point, a new United States Government leadership team has a chance to take a fresh look at the opportunities, threats, and challenges facing America at home and abroad. Yet the opportunities and challenges do not pause. The forces of change are in fact accelerating as technology, communications, and mobility link us in a blurring and buzzing globalizing world. To help capture an image of such a kaleidoscope of changes, a small team orchestrates the collection and assessment of perspectives on today and tomorrow from a wide range of executives and experts, citizens and foreign officials, academics and business people. The team, senior intelligence officers in the National Intelligence Council under the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, present the new administration with a snapshot of the global developments anticipated over the next fifteen years or so. This is a fractal of that image – technology developments between now and 2025. Toffler Associates crafted this view with the guidance of senior intelligence officers and with the help of scientists and technical experts across America.
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