Integrated food security strategy for South Africa

Organisation: Department of Agriculture of South Africa
Publish Date: July 2002
Country: South Africa
Sector: Development
Method: Creative thinking
Theme: Food
Type: Report
Tags: Food availability, Food access, Food distribution, Income generation, Emergency management systems
The vision of the Integrated Food Security Strategy is to attain universal physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food by all South African at all times to meet their dietary and food preferences for an active and healthy life. This statement is also a definition of food security by the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nation (FAO). Its goal is to eradicate hunger, malnutrition and food insecurity over 2015. And its strategic objectives to realise this goal and the vision of the Integrated Food Security Strategy are to: Increase household food production and trading; Improve income generation and job creation opportunities; Improve nutrition and food safety; Increase safety nets and food emergency management systems; Improve analysis and information management system; Provide capacity building; Hold stakeholder dialogue.
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