On the Forecast Accuracy of Sports Prediction Markets
Accurate forecasts are essential in many areas such as business and sports forecasting.Prediction markets are a promising approach for forecastingfuture eventsand are increasingly used to aggregate <
Organisation: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
Publish Date: 2007
On the Urbanization of Poverty
Ravallion identifies conditions under which the urban sector's share of the poor population in a developing country will be a strictly increasing and strictly convex function of its share of the t
Organisation: The World Bank
Publish Date: April 2001
Open e-books: The changing paradigm
When the medieval scribes invented incunabula, less they imagined that a day would come when all that art of printing a book using movable types will soon be invisible and the impact of e-book on sch
Organisation: International Journal of Library and Information Science Vol. 1(1) pp. 006-011, June, 2009
Publish Date: June 2009
Open Innovation: From marginal to mainstream
Corporate Connect has been working with large firms since 2006, investigating how the complex and sometimes difficult relationships between the Goliaths and Davids of the business world can be enhanc

Organisation: NESTA
Publish Date: April 2010
Openness, Dynamic Specialization, and the Disaggregated Future of Higher Education
Openness is a fundamental value underlying significant changes in society and is a prerequisite to changes institutions of higher education need to make in order to remain relevant to the society inw

Organisation: International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning
Publish Date: November 2009
Operating in the future
The future started yesterday.With bank revenues increasing again,particularly in investment banking,there is a danger that the lessons learned in the stress environmentcreated by the financial crisis
Organisation: PricewaterhouseCoopers
Publish Date: 2010
Opportunities and challenges facing the South African Mining Industry
Presentation at the South African Colliery Engineers' Association at their 2011 Annual General Meeting dealing with the current opportunities and challenges facing the South African mining Industry

Organisation: Chamber of Mines
Publish Date: February 2011
Optimum Market-Positioning Models for South Africa Arts Festivals Scenarios
The purpose of the study was to develop an optinum market-positioning model for the special interest tourism market to support arts festivals in South Africa (SA). Three subareas were deemed essentia
Organisation: Ciná van Zyl
Publish Date: November 2005
Our Biopolitical Future: Four Scenarios
The four scenarios of the human biopolitical future presented in this study may help us think through these issues. They take place over the 15-year period from 2007 through 2021.

Organisation: Worldwatch Institute
Publish Date: 2007
Our cities ourselves: Principles for Transport in Urban Life
The principles outlined here will help cities significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions while improving the quality of life. The Our Cities Ourselves program invites design teams from ten cities

Organisation: Institute for Transportation and Development
Publish Date: November 2011