SA 2020:Creating the Future
The SA2020 Scenarios planning process brought together a diverse group of 25 young South Africans from different sectors and with a range of experiences, meeting over nine months in seven workshops a
Organisation: African Leadership Institute
Publish Date: 2010
SA Mine Review of trends in the South African mining industry
PwC’s annual SA Mine publication gives an overview of how the big players in the South African mining sector performed over the past financial year, ending June 2011. Their findings are based on the

Organisation: PriceWaterhouseCoopers SA
Publish Date: 2011
SA2020 Consolidated Document
In the early 1990s, at a time of great uncertainty, a group of 25 committed South Africans representing a wide spectrum of opinions met regularly over several months in a pivotal exercise that helped
Organisation: African Leadership Institute (AfLI)
Publish Date: March 2005
SARUA discussion document on higher education
"It is hoped that this discussion document will stimulate much more than discussion. There is an urgent need in the region for action. The world is at last realising that higher education is a vital
Organisation: SARUA
Publish Date: 21/07/2010
Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Strategy [2012-2015]
This SUN Strategy 2012-15 is a summary of the Movement’s goals, objectives, mode of operation and accountability. It should be read in conjunction with the 2012 SUN Road Map which describes, in great

Organisation: Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN)
Publish Date: 2012
Scaling Up Nutrition: A Framework for Action
The policy brief seeks substantially increased investment for a set of exceptionally cost-effective nutrition interventions that principally target women during pregnancy and childbirth from birth to

Organisation: UNICEF and various other multilateral agencies
Publish Date: 2010
Scanning for Correctional Futures
The scans prepared for this report help determine what strategies should be pursued to further the goals of the Victorian Correctional System.

Organisation: Queensland University of Technology
Publish Date: 2002
Scanning for Justice
The purpose of this report is to provide the bases for future oriented planning. From these scans, scenarios of the future of the Victoria Justice Portfolio can be developed. The scans and scenarios

Organisation: Metafuture Organisation
Publish Date: unknown
Scanning the 2020 horizon: An analysis of trends and scenarios in the water, sanitation and hygiene sector
If a participant attending the 2nd World Water Forum in The Hague at the very start of this century (in 2000) had travelled through time to the Stockholm World Water Week ten years later, we do not t
Organisation: IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre
Publish Date: August 2011
Scenario Analysis
This document sets out three scenarios for rural, and low income urban households in the year 2014 – for South Africa.The ‘business as usual’ case assumes that there is moderate economic growth,uces
Organisation: South Africa Sparknet Scenarios
Publish Date: 2005