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Strategy, scenarios, and the global shift in defense power
The art of strategy, in defense as elsewhere, involves understanding possible futures to inform present decisions. Change, volatility, and uncertainty are perennial challenges to the defense strategi

Author: Jonathan Ablett, Andrew Erdmann
Organisation: McKinsey & Company
Publish Date: 2013
Strengthening Scholarly Publishing in Africa: Assessing the Potential of Online Systems
After all that has gone into improving research library access to online publications in Africa, and now that access to research, internet bandwidth and librarian technical skills are improving, the

Author: Samuel Smith Esseh, John Willinsky
Organisation: Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), University of British Columbia
Publish Date: 2006
Structured and documented collection of current signals for arising changes in innovation patterns
The emergence of new innovation patterns such as open innovation, user innovation, design innovation and community innovations involving new actors, different roles and new modes of interaction impli

Author: François Jégou , Karl-Heinz Leitner , Johannes Mahn , Giampiero Pitisci , Wolfram Rhomberg , Sivert von Saldern , Philine Warnke , Vanessa Watkins
Organisation: INFU
Publish Date: 2010
Sub-regional scenarios for Africa's future: Western Indian Ocean islands
The management of coastal areas in the WIO presents special challenges,as these are a vital resource underlying the development of all countries,and opportunities for improving human well-being.The s

Author: United Nations Environment Programme
Organisation: United Nations Environment Programme
Publish Date: 08/05/2007
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) Summary for Decision Makers
This Assessment is a constructive initiative and important contribution that all governments need to take forward to ensure that agricultural knowledge, science and technology fulfills its potential

Author: Carol Markwei, Lindela Ndlovu, Elizabeth Robinson, Wahida Shah
Organisation: International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD
Publish Date: 2010
Sub-Saharan Africa at a Crossroads: A Quantitative Analysis of Regional Development
Sub-Saharan Africa is at a crossroads of development. Despite a quarter of a century of economic reforms propagated by national policies and international financial agencies and institutions, sub-Sah

Author: Zachary C. Tyler and Sucharita Gopal
Organisation: Boston University - The Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future
Publish Date: May 2010
Sub-Saharan Africa Travel & Tourism Economic Impact 2011
The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), which is the business leaders' forum for travel & tourism, has spent more that 20 years developing its economic impact research for the benefit of private a

Author: World Travel & Tourism Council
Organisation: World Travel & Tourism Council
Publish Date: 2011
Sub-Saharan Africa’s Youth Bulge: A Demographic Dividend or Disaster?
In an apparent response to the youth-led Arab Spring, African heads of state decided to accelerate the 2009–2018 Decade of Youth Action Plan at the African Union 2011 Summit held in Malabo, Equatoria

Author: Julius Agbor, Olumide Taiwo and Jessica Smith
Organisation: The Brookings Institution, Africa Growth Initiative
Publish Date: 2012
Sugar and Future Trends in World Food Security
Presentation addressing the rising of food prices, driving factors and biofuels impact in food security and the effect on the poor people of the world.

Author: Lindsay Jolly
Organisation: International Sugar Organisation
Publish Date: 2009
SUN Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework
The M&E Framework provides a framework for the collection of data with a view to determine impact, outcomes and outputs of the SUN Movement through the actions of its constituent parts.

Author: Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN)
Organisation: Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN)
Publish Date: 2013
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