Scenarios of Change in South Africa
Political change in South Africa, following the years of apartheid, was the resultant of many social, political and economic forces, involving many actors, working through many processes. The whole m

Organisation: Taylor & Francis Group
Publish Date: 2004
Scenarios of energy and agriculture in Africa
Many countries in Africa continue to be among the lowest per capita energy consumers in the world. In all sectors, industry, agriculture, transport, household and commercial, a lack of minimum energy

Organisation: SEI-Boston
Publish Date: 1996
Scenarios of Good Anthropocenes in southern Africa
In the rapidly changing and uncertain world of the Anthropocene, positive visions of the future could play a crucial role in catalysing deep social-ecological transformations to help guide humanity t

Organisation: Elsevier Ltd
Publish Date: January 2020
Scenarios of sustainable well-being
The lack of shared visions on what sustainable well-being could be like is effecting negatively not only the most general debate on the political and economic moves to be done at the scale of the who

Organisation: Design Philosophy Papers, Milan
Publish Date: 2003
Scenarios On The Futures of Consumer Attitudes And Their Use Of Sustainable Products
Nowadays and even more tomorrow consumers live in a constantly changing world which overloads them every day with more information, ideas and influences as the average person can psychologically dige

Organisation: Ute Hélène von Reibnitz
Publish Date: 2000
Scenarios Workshop Report 3-4th March 2010
Gerald Nelson at IFPRI organised a workshop that brought together on 3-4th March 2010 in Washington DC three global projects exploring the future of the food system: • IFPRI Global Futures for Agricu

Organisation: IFPRI
Publish Date: March 2010
Scenarios: The Global HIV/AIDS Crisis
This document looks at possible scenarios for the future of the AIDS epidemic and considers their impact on sufferers, societies and economies.

Organisation: World Economic Forum
Publish Date: 2003
Schooling for Tomorrow - The Starterpack: Futures Thinking in Action
We are living in an increasingly global world. This brings many challenges and problems, but it also makes it much easier to learn from those in other countries about areas of common interest. It hel
Organisation: OECD & CERI
Publish Date: 2007
Schooling in the Future: A South African Scenario
The Class of 2020 entered Grade R in South Africa in 2008. They entered a schooling system that, having undergone a major transformation to reflect the political and societal changes in South Africa,
Organisation: Journal of International Cooperation in Education,
Publish Date: 2008
Science :The next Revolution
Sometimes enterprises fail when dazzling successes obscure subtle but fundamental problems. Science may confront such a crisis in this century. Vastly exploding observational capabilities, new comput
Organisation: Institute for the future
Publish Date: 2007