Science and Technology foresight a Provocative tool for contending with future challenges in food safety and public veterinary medicine
The author describes how foresight methods can provide a provacative approach to some of the key challenges faced by the world of animal health care and public veterinary practises while support
Organisation: Veterinana
Publish Date: 2007
Science and Technology Foresight - Animal Health Foresight Project
The Science and Technology Foresight Directorate (STFD) of the Office of the National Science Advisor(ONSA) produces documents and reports for the benefit of sponsors, participants and professionals
Organisation: Technology Foresight Directorate
Publish Date: March 2005
Searchlight Convening: The Future of the Urban Poor
By providing a regular stream of future-oriented intelligence, the Searchlight function offers a deeper understanding of the changing global ecosystem in which global institutions operate and looking
Organisation: Intellecap and the Rockefeller Foundation
Publish Date: April 2011
Searchlight Report: Building a Searchlight Function
The Rockefeller Foundation believes that a critical component to establishing a successful trend scanning enterprise involves bringing the practitioners together to learn from each other, share knowl
Organisation: Society for International Development and The Rockefeller Foundation
Publish Date: April 2010
Seasonal Climate Forecasting: Who Can Use It And How Should It Be Disseminated?
Recent technical progress in seasonal climate forecasting, particularly in relation to the El Niño Southern Oscillation, has stimulated considerable interest from potential users such as large-scale
Organisation: ODI, National Resource Perspectives
Publish Date: November 1999
Securing 2020 vision for 2030: climate change and ensuring resilience in water and sanitation services
Drinking-water supply and sanitation services are essential for human health, but their technologies and management systems are potentially vulnerable to climate change. An assessment was made of the
Organisation: Journal of Water and Climate Change
Publish Date: 2010
Security & Society
Society owes its very existence to the basic human need for collective security. In this way, security and society are synonymous. Without one, the other ceases to be.
Organisation: IBM Global Innovation Outlook
Publish Date: 2008
Seismic methods in mineral exploration and mine planning: a general overview of past and present case histories and a look into the future
Presents past and recent trends in the use of seismic methods in mineral exploration and mine planning. It is obvious that seismic methods are becoming an important exploration tool, especially for d
Organisation: CSIR and Upsala University, Sweden
Publish Date: 2012
Selecting Best Policies and Law for Future Generations
Out of international treaties signed in recent years, a body of rules of international law is now emerging to defend the rights and needs of future generations and to promote sustainability. Out of t
Organisation: Centre for International Sustainable Development Law
Publish Date: 2008
Serving the Water and Sanitation Sector: Resource centre experiences, developments and future trends
In a complex and challenging world people need access to a collective information and knowledge base that can help them to find the best way forward, and prevent them from making the same mistakes th
Organisation: IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre
Publish Date: 2001