Demand-Based Capacity Planning of Mobile Cellular Networks in Africa

Organisation: Tshwane University of Technology
Publish Date: January 2007
Country: Africa
Sector: Technology
Method: Scenarios
Theme: ICT
Type: Other publication
Language: English
Tags: Capacity Planning, Mobile, Mobile Cellular Networks, Mobile traffic, traffic demand estimation tool, T-DET, Africa, Forecasting tool
Accurate traffic demand estimation is critical in ensuring that optimal communication resources are allocated to handle available traffic load with minimum system congestion and effective utilisation of expensive resources. To achieve such an optimum design, capacity planning must be based on actual traffic demand available in the intended areas of coverage.
In this study, an accurate traffic demand estimation tool, T-DET, was designed and implemented in Rwanda, Africa. Based on the terminal mobility model, the tool estimated available traffic demand in three planning scenarios: Suburban Commercial, Suburban Residential, and Rural scenarios and subsequently establishes optimum capacity configuration. Results of the tool indicated that traffic demand can be accurately estimated in all cases resulting in high resource utilisation and better performance. High utilisation of resources was obtained, with 95.57% and 85.36 % utilisation value for suburban residential and rural scenarios respectively. There was also notable reduction in cell congestion from 8% to 0.7% in suburban commercial area, 14% to 1.6 in suburban residential area.
The tool could be further upgraded to undertake traffic forecasting given population growth estimates in given areas of interest.
Located in: Resources