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Abstract from “A forecast of the role and effectiveness of devolved government in Kenya: four scenarios” - the scenarios
SCENARIO A – good intent, but opportunity missed, SCENARIO B – opportunity taken, SCENARIO C – opportunity missed, SCENARIO D – opportunity taken, but failed, due to divisions

Organisation: Jan Bezuidenhout
Publish Date: March 2012
Academic Libraries of the Future: Scenarios beyond 2020
The academic libraries of the future project (LotF) has developed three scenarios which describe possible futures for teaching, academic and research libraries in the UK at some point beyond 2020, pa

Organisation: Future Libraries
Publish Date: 2011
Accelerating the AfDB’s Response to the Youth Unemployment Crisis in Africa
This paper takes stock of the challenges and responses to youth unemployment in Africa and proposes a framework to address the immediate and urgent needs generated by the crisis as well as the struct

Organisation: African Development Bank Group
Publish Date: 2013
Achieving high performance for mining in 2020: Six strategies for safe, sustainable and superior operations
Developing and implementing strategies to achieve high performance requires an understanding of the major challenges facing mining operations. These include: mitigating volatility risks in commodity

Organisation: Accenture
Publish Date: 2012
Achieving Urban Food and Nutrition Security in the Developing World
The trend is inescapable: more and more people in the developing world are living in the cities. Growth in urban poverty, food insecurity, and malnutrition and a shift in their concentration from rur

Organisation: IFPRI
Publish Date: August 2000
Acting now for a positive 2018, preparing for radical change the next decade of business and sustainability
In volatile times, it’s hard to predict the future. One thing is clear however – the economic good times of the last decade are gone for the foreseeable future. Forum for the Future and Capgemini hav

Organisation: Forum for the Future
Publish Date: December 2008
Addressing Poverty Through City Development Strategies
This literature review explores some of the key issues relating to urban poverty, particularly as they impact upon strategies for city development.

Organisation: Department for International Development (UK)
Publish Date: June 2001
Addressing the Climate Change Challenge - What can Agriculture do?
Peter Kuikman, Alterra, Wageningen UR. With Pete Smith and others from EU-PICCMAT.

Organisation: Wageningen UR
Publish Date: 2008
Advancing Police Leadership: Considerations, Lessons Learned, and Preferable Futures
Effective leadership is a concept both strikingly simple and stunningly complex. Bookshelves are filled with texts defining leadership and detailing the behavior of leaders, yet we struggle to ident

Organisation: Futures Working Group
Publish Date: 2010
Africa 2010: The Key Challenges
What has been achieved and what are the outstanding challenges facing Africa half way between the Africa Commission Report tabled at the Gleneagles Summit and the target date for the Millennium Devel

Organisation: Millennium Development
Publish Date: 2010