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Africa 2025 - the lion chronicles
What will Africa be like in 2025? The UNDP asked this question as part of a major research programme and came up with a number of likely scenarios--some positive, some negative. Which will outweigh t

Organisation: Tom Nevin
Publish Date: February 2004
Africa 2050: Emerging Results from IFs Modelling Tool
Africa 2050: Emerging Results from IFs Modelling Tool: Julius Gatune. The Futures of Africa Project - University of Denver.

Organisation: University of Denver
Publish Date: 2007
Africa 2060: Good News from Africa
This conference report begins with an overview that captures the major issues discussed at the event, enriched by additional information and perspectives relevant to any discussion of Africa’s future

Organisation: Boston University Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study for the Longer-Range Future
Publish Date: April 2010
Africa 2063: How Cities Will Shape the Future of a Continent
The last two decades have been marked by a profound turn-around in the perceptions of Africa, both within the continent and internationally. This change has been driven primarily by the exceptional e

Organisation: Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI)
Publish Date: May 2019
Africa and Foresight: Better Futures in Development
The African Union's "Agenda 2063" and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with their promises of economic growth, social equality and a healthy environment, must be realized in volatile and

Organisation: UNDP Global Centre for Public Service Excellence
Publish Date: 2017
Africa and the Arab Spring: A New Era of Democratic Expectations
Military coups in Mali and Guinea-Bissau have overshadowed a deepening institutionalization of democratic processes in Africa over the past decade. These advances have been augmented by a growing com

Organisation: Africa Center for Strategic Studies, Washington, D.C.
Publish Date: November 2011
Africa Atlas of Our Changing Environment
The Africa: Atlas of Our Changing Environment brings compelling visual and scientifi c evidence of environmental change derived from the Earth observation sciences to a broader audience; builds aware

Organisation: United Nations Environment Programme
Publish Date: 2008
Africa Energy Outlook 2040
The scope of the study for the energy sector covers the supply, demand, production and transport of commercial energy to the extent that they have a regional dimension.

Organisation: Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA)
Publish Date: No date
Africa Environment Outlook - Past, present and future perspectives
The Africa Environment Outlook (AEO) report provides a comprehensive and integrated analysis of Africa’s environment. AEO contains a detailed assessment of the current state of the environment in the

Publish Date: 2000