South African Army Vision 2020 - Security Challenges Shaping the Future South African Army
Organisation: Institute for Security Studies, South Africa
Publish Date: 2007
Country: Africa
Sector: Democracy & Governance, Legal & Civic Rights
Method: Forecasting
Theme: Futures
Type: Other publication
Language: English
Tags: South African, Army, Security, Vision, SA Army Strategy 2020
In its quest for a future vision the SA Army has reached a milestone with the documentation of SA Army Strategy 2020. The planning phase has also been partially completed. Before implementing these plans, the SA Army needed to conduct a reality check to ensure that SA Army Vision 2020 has addressed all future security challenges in the strategy – hence SA Army Seminar 21 was hosted on 1 and 2 November 2006. The aim of the seminar was to confirm and add value to SA Army Vision 2020
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