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Africa Environment Outlook 2 - Our Environment, Our Wealth
AEO-2 provides a comprehensive assessment of environmental state-and-trends, and the implications of this for human well-being and development. The assessment includes an analysis of policy responses

Organisation: AMCEN / UNEP
Publish Date: 2006
Africa Environment Outlook for Youth: Our Region – Our Life
The trumpet call has sounded all over Africa and the youth have responded enthusiastically. This publication is the youth version of the premier Africa Environment Outlook (AEO) report. AEO was the f

Organisation: United Nations Environment Programme
Publish Date: 2005
Africa Health Strategy: 2007–2015
Africa has made significant strides in certain areas of social and economic development but has the potential to achieve even more if it can overcome the large burden of disease which continues to be

Organisation: African Union
Publish Date: 2007
Africa in 2020: Discussion Paper
The 2020 scenario exercise was designed to extend the comprehensive 2015 exercise completed by the National Intelligence Council in December 2000. This paper first reviews the 2015 document and then

Organisation: National Intelligence Council
Publish Date: January 2004
Africa in 2020: Three Scenarios For The Future
This paper identifies three scenarios for Africa in 2020: Where Africa takes charge, where it follows, and a ‘patchwork quilt’ where some countries lead and others fall behind.

Organisation: The Brenthurst Foundation
Publish Date: 2006
Africa in 2050: Adopt to global changes quickly or perish
What will Africa be like in 2050?” This was one of the critical debates at the 5th African Economic Conference held in Tunis recently.

Organisation: Julius Bosire
Publish Date: November 2010
Africa in 50 Years’ Time: The Road Towards Inclusive Growth
Given that Africa’s independence began about 50 years ago, for the next 50 years this document assesses the economic and human development prospects in Africa. It identifies the drivers of change and

Organisation: African Development Bank
Publish Date: September 2011
Africa Mining Vision
The Africa Mining Vision is informed by the outcomes of several initiatives and efforts made at sub-regional, continental and global levels to formulate policy and regulatory frameworks to maximize t

Organisation: African Union
Publish Date: February 2009
Africa on the move: an urban crisis in the making
Africa is on the move and the rapid urbanisation of the continent has to be recognised both for its potential problems and its genuine possibilities.

Organisation: United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT)
Publish Date: December 2004
Africa Rising: Who Benefits from the Continent's Economic Growth?
With this edition of Perspectives, the Heinrich Böll Foundation gives Africabased commentators and experts from across the continent the opportunity to critically reflect on the “Africa rising” story

Organisation: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
Publish Date: February 2014