Agriculture in a dynamically-changing environment: IFPRI’s long-term outlook for food & agriculture under new demand & added constraints

Organisation: Environment and Production Technology Division, IFPRI
Publish Date: June 2009
Country: Global
Sector: Agriculture
Method: Forecasting
Theme: Food
Type: Presentation
Language: English
Tags: Global food production, Food prices, Drivers of change, Biofuels, Climate change
The sharp increases in food prices that occurred in in the recent past were followed by steady declines – although not all countries followed the global trends. These events have helped us to understand the nature of linkages between international and local markets, and the way in which prices of basic grain commodities have responded to various shocks. The role of oil prices was shown to play an important role in driving the costs of goods and services that depend significantly on fossil fuels as inputs to production – including agriculture. Higher oil prices also make biofuels more attractive.
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