CCAFS West Africa Regional Scenarios for Food Security, Environments and Livelihoods
Organisation: Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security CCAFS Workshop
Publish Date: November 2011
Country: Africa
Sector: Agriculture
Method: Workshop
Theme: Food
Type: Assement
Language: English
Tags: Climate Change, Scenarios, Scenario time lines, System maps, Food security, Socio-economic issues
The workshop that this document reports on represents a comprehensive, solid basis of the CCAFS scenarios development process in West Africa. The revision of key uncertainties, the enrichment and structuring of scenario narratives, the identification of key outcomes, drivers and relationships in the system maps, the inclusion of surprises and their consequences and
the mapping of outcomes of interest and possible indicators all provide a basis for the development of the scenario narratives and the quantification of the scenarios in terms of these outcomes of interest. The involvement of highly engaged experts from across sectors, disciplines and countries in West Africa ensures that these scenarios are insightful and relevant for these sectors, disciplines and countries in the region.
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