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Insight into Security & Justice Futures


Dr Jakkie Cilliers - Executive director of the Institute for Security Studies (ISS)

"…the nature of conflict is morphing as it goes forward, and that you can really no longer speak of war and organized crime and instability. It’s sort of the nature of intrastate conflict; it’s much more small-scale conflicts that involve non-state actors that are deeply imbedded in criminal networks, smuggling, piracy, and so on."

"Some argue that crime as a complex and dynamic social challenge cannot adequately be addressed by a single strategy and that it is not feasible to develop one. However, proponents argue that without a strategy that guides a wide range of role-players that are not typically seen as having a clear role to play, such as local government, the Department of Education or academic institutions, crime prevention remains a sole preserve of the policies and supporting criminal justices departments. This, therefore results in an inadequate State driven response to the challenge."

"There are clear limits to a centralised approach to policing in particular. This cannot be achieved by tinkering on the margins with only technological solutions. Preventing and combating crime requires both as government and [a] society approach."

Corneille Ewango - is a Congolese environmentalist

“We are talking about reconstitution, rebuilding Africa. But is the gun industry a tool to rebuild, or is it a game? I think we see the war like a game — like soccer, football."

Marc Goodman - is a global thinker, writer and consultant focused on the profound change technology is having on crime security, business and international affairs.

“We are leading a life that is increasingly disintermediated through technology. And knowing that all technology, to date, is fundamentally insecure. The ability of one to affect many is scaling exponentially — and it's scaling for good and it's scaling for evil."

"If you control the code, you control the world. This is the future that awaits us."

"To hackers, DNA is just another operating system waiting to be hacked."

Dr James Canton - CEO and Chairman at the Institute for Global Futures

“New technologies may help protect us, but with a great cost to our privacy, while we deal with a new paradigm of risks never before imagined."

"The key decision is, what are individuals, governments and organizations willing to do today to prevent future attacks. Without adopting an entirely new perspective on security, we will be vulnerable in the future."

David Lacey - Security futurist and innovator

“Our cyber defences are currently a decade out of date – at least. Whatever you have in place, whatever you think is the accepted industry standard is not good enough for today’s world or any of the attacks we’ve seen in the last few years – so it’s certainly not good enough for the future."

Jamais Cascio - Writer and ethical futurist

“If you want to find out how to use a new emerging tool, don’t ask the people who invent it, because they have a very narrow view of what it’s supposed to be used for. The people who are hacking it--the people who use it for crime, who use it to have sex, who use it to do something fun or different--those are the people who are going to find out the little interesting variations."

Jeff Samson - Senior Fellow and Founder of Samson Design

"With the advent of, pervasive camera networks, drones, satellites and “Terrabyters” and taissers it appears that typical prison systems may get challenged. Prisons are expensive commitments of land architecture, people and resources while the less expensive ability to track and control individuals digitally is growing rapidly."

Francis Yeoh - Professorial Fellow (Entrepreneurship) at National University of Singapore

“A culture is not something that can be legislated — it is something that evolves slowly over time. So it is possible for governments to create a culture of security-consciousness by having programs over a sufficiently long period of educational activities, political speeches and media messages that remind citizens of the importance of security in their lives. This has been done quite effectively by governments in many countries in a number of areas such as environmental protection, city cleanliness and healthy living."

Ambassador Francesca Tardioli - Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Operations at NATO

"We cannot guarantee the protection of all our critical infrastructure against (...) threats. But in the years up to 2020 and beyond it will be critically important to improve the resiliency of our infrastructures and systems through a holistic approach to security."

Gen. Walter Gaskin - former deputy chairman of the NATO Military Committee

“Today we face threats without borders: threats that strike discrete sections of our populace, economic livelihood and stability, often without warning, rhyme or reason. This is a much more challenging security environment."

Pat Conley - Experienced Software Executive and CTO

“We see a lot of innovation from the bad guys, but we don’t see so much innovation from the people who want security, and they are just as smart."

Jonathan Drori - Director at Changing Media Ltd

“Pollen forensics … are being used now to track where counterfeit drugs have been made, where banknotes have come from."

Lord David Sainsbury - Chancellor of the University of Cambridge

“It is today's research and development that will produce the crime-resistant products of the future."

Chief of Police William Blair - Toronto Police Service

“Social media can change the way we engage—it can help get a conversation going with the police and make citizens part of it. Social media and apps can allow the police to speak directly to the public, and present the facts without others spinning it. We need to move with the times and we are running to catch up."

Peter Warren Singer - Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for 21st Century Security and Intelligence at the Brookings Institution.

“Robots are emotionless, so they don’t get upset if their buddy is killed, they don’t commit crimes of rage and revenge. But … they see an 80-year-old grandmother in a wheelchair the same way they see a T80 tank; they’re both just a series of zeros and ones."

Guy-Philippe Goldstein - Management consultant, and an analyst of cyber warfare

“The information technologies which were historically born from military research are, today, on the verge of developing an offensive capability of destruction, which could tomorrow, if we’re not careful, completely destroy world peace."

Jacques Bus (cited in Galatsas 2007:2) - Then Head of Unit Trust & Security in ICT Research at European Commission

“... there is a clear lack of adequate statistics measuring the state of trust and security in the Information Society. Current data available is insufficient, fragmented, and often incomparable. There exists no coherent set of reliable data based on ... threats, incidents or perceptions of trust and security."

David Mitchell, (Cloud Atlas) - actor, comedian and writer

“Our lives are not our own. We are bound to others, past and present, and by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future."

Jack Nolan - Assistant Commissioner at An Garda Síochána

“In the future, there will be a more collaborative approach to community problems—simpler structures, centralized core with specialized teams. There will be partnerships with local teams in the community and with specific outsourcing to private sector policing."

General Omar N. Bradley

“If we continue to develop our technology without wisdom or prudence, our servant may prove to be our executioner."



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