Video Library
Volvo Turns to Locust Swarms for Future Safety
Volvo are now using scientific findings about the African Locust to improve road safety for pedestrians. Volvos aim is to be able to transpose the locusts unique characteristics onto a computer chip and then install this into the cars safety system. Something that would radically improve todays techniques.
Last Updated on Friday, 09 November 2012 14:43
Hits: 1654
Jeffrey Sachs - 2020 Shaping Ideas
Sachs, a professor of economics at Columbia University, is one of the world's foremost experts on poverty reduction. He explains how mobile phones are decreasing economic isolation in Africa, and why we could be halfway to achieving an important goal in 2020: the end of extreme poverty.
Last Updated on Friday, 09 November 2012 14:43
Hits: 2257
Africa 2050: Will Africa claim the 21st century?
Leading global futurist Dr Ian Goldin visits the RSA to look at Africa's future prospects in this exclusive keynote lecture.
Last Updated on Friday, 09 November 2012 14:43
Hits: 2097
The Future of communication
MOCOM 2020 - The Future of Mobile Media and Communication
SIMYO and Ahead of Time presents the future of mobile media and communication. This film is presenting a summary of key result of the open think tank MOCOM 2020.
Last Updated on Friday, 09 November 2012 14:43
Hits: 1841
Read more: MOCOM 2020 - The Future of Mobile Media and Communication
2020 Future seen from 2015: Futurist Mobile World
Last Updated on Friday, 09 November 2012 14:43
Hits: 2081
Read more: 2020 Future seen from 2015: Futurist Mobile World
Earthland: Envisioning a Sustainable Civilization
In the inaugural lecture of the Visions of a Sustainable World Speaker Series, Dr. Raskin presents a history from the future which describes a sustainable planetary civilization and how we got there.
Last Updated on Friday, 09 November 2012 14:43
Hits: 1847
Read more: Earthland: Envisioning a Sustainable Civilization
Visions of a Sustainable World
This 10 minute video presents highlights of an interview with Dr. Paul Raskin about his views on the pathways necessary to achieve a sustainable planetary civilization in the near-term future.
Ray Kurzweil - Futurist
Ray Kurzweil is a 21st century polymath. He is a scientist, inventor, entrepreneur, author, visionary and futurist.
Fate of the World Trailer 1
Fate of the World is a dramatic global strategy game that puts all our futures in your hands. The game features a dramatic set of scenarios based on the latest science covering the next 200 years.
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- Jeffrey Sachs, "The Future of Globalization"
- Anne Lise Kjaer - 2020 Shaping Ideas
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- JP Rangaswami - 2020 Shaping Ideas
- Vint Cerf - 2020 Shaping Ideas
- 2020 Shaping Ideas - Will Steffen
- Ian Pearson - 2020 Shaping Ideas
- Doha 2010 - A Framework for the Future
- Dinokeng Scenarios 01 - Introduction