Video Library
Dan Pallotta: The way we think about charity is dead wrong
Activist and fundraiser Dan Pallotta calls out the double standard that drives our broken relationship to charities. Too many nonprofits, he says, are rewarded for how little they spend -- not for what they get done. Instead of equating frugality with morality, he asks us to start rewarding charities for their big goals and big accomplishments (even if that comes with big expenses).
Last Updated on Tuesday, 29 April 2014 10:17
Hits: 3909
Read more: Dan Pallotta: The way we think about charity is dead wrong
Disrupting philanthropy: Nicolas Berardi at TEDxMIA 2012 Framing the Future
Last Updated on Tuesday, 29 April 2014 10:10
Hits: 3375
Read more: Disrupting philanthropy: Nicolas Berardi at TEDxMIA 2012 Framing the Future
The Future of Philanthropy: Will Next Generation Donors Do Things Differently?
It is predicted that trillions of dollars of wealth will be transferred to the hands of a new generation of philanthropists in the next half-century. “It’s the biggest inter-generational transfer of wealth that we've ever seen. (And) so much of what happens in the future will depend on what the rising generation of major donors (now in their twenties and thirties) will become. Will they do things very differently from the previous generation?", asks Caroline Hartnell of Alliance, a magazine dedicated to philanthropy and social investment. A panel of experts examines inter-generational differences in philanthropy and argues that “next gen” donors are more impact focused than their predecessors.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 29 April 2014 10:08
Hits: 3406
Read more: The Future of Philanthropy: Will Next Generation Donors Do Things Differently?
Emerging Markets: Philanthropy at the Intersection | 2013 Skoll World Forum
Emerging markets provide opportunities for understanding the consequences of rapid growth and industrialisation -- including negative social and environmental effects. Funders and foundations working for change in these regions are often faced with complex social, political and legal contexts as they work to improve conditions for citizens and the environment. Join us to discuss insights and perspectives rarely surfaced from this unique intersection of funders and emerging philanthropists who work in these regions. Expect a candid discussion about pitfalls, progress and future opportunities.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 29 April 2014 10:03
Hits: 3499
Read more: Emerging Markets: Philanthropy at the Intersection | 2013 Skoll World Forum
Future Of Philanthropy - SWF 2007
How far can 'creative' philanthropy support social innovation to help address some of the major challenges confronting global society today? This panel discussion explores how philanthropy is developing, opportunities to maximise impact, how philanthropic institutions are approaching mission- related investment and the challenges for non-profits trying to secure investment capital.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 29 April 2014 10:01
Hits: 3493
Roger Hughes on the Future of Philanthropy
Hear about a concept called "funderitis" and listen to Roger discuss his four primary suppositions on how the world is changing. In an insightful and funny talk, Roger looks ahead to the future of philanthropy.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 29 April 2014 09:58
Hits: 3405
Random Acts of Kindness: The Future of Digital Altruism, Community Collaboration, and Timebanks
In today's world of increasing scarcity of resources and economic stagnation, we still see rapid developments in computer science and user experience towards increasingly mobile, intelligent, and context-aware computing systems. These innovations represent a new frontier for transformative innovation on a societal level. They hold the promise of breakthroughs in how people can collaborate through dynamically coordinated, efficient, and reciprocal service transactions to improve the quality of life for all. I fix your car, you do a neighbor's taxes, she designs my new kitchen, and so on.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 29 April 2014 09:55
Hits: 3265
Future Trends and Philanthropy
In this clip from a 2006 Keynote for the American Red Cross 125th Anniversary celebration, Glen Hiemstra outlines five trends that will shape the future. These include demographics, philanthropic giving, communications and technology, public agencies and debt, and global warming leading to wild weather.
A World Changed: 100 Years of Philanthropy
Last Updated on Tuesday, 29 April 2014 09:47
Hits: 3404
The Role of Renewable Energy in Scenarios and Implications for Policy Planning
World energy demand is constantly growing. Despite energy efficiency and saving plans, developed countries demand will increase. Developing countries demand will also increase even at a faster pace, driven mainly by China and India. While renewables have an important role to play in meeting the growing energy demand, proper policy and regulation planning are key to investment in renewable energy. Based on case studies, the lecture explores a diversity of policy mechanisms and highlights the importance of having a stable and predictable regulatory framework to attract investors.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 01 April 2014 16:18
Hits: 3142
Read more: The Role of Renewable Energy in Scenarios and Implications for Policy Planning
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