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TEDxBayArea Women - Shaherose Charania – mWomen

Shaherose Charania, CEO and Co-Founder of Women 2.0, talks at TEDxBayArea Women

Last Updated on Tuesday, 26 February 2013 17:29

Hits: 1894

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TEDxBayArea Women - Almaz Negash - Return on Investment on Women's Education

Almaz Negash, Managing Partner, Entwine Global, speaks at TEDxBayArea Women

The Epicenter Strategy - Poverty

The Epicenter Strategy is an integrated, bottom-up, gender-focused approach that empowers the people in a cluster of villages to work together to overcome hunger and poverty on a sustainable basis.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 26 February 2013 17:25

Hits: 1968

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The Future of Women in the MENA Region, a Tunisian and Egyptian Perspective

Lilia Labidi, Minister of Women's Affairs for the Republic of Tunisia, and Moushira Khattab, former Minister of Family and Population for Egypt, discussed the role and expectations of women in the Egyptian and Tunisian revolutions, as well as issues to consider as these two countries move forward.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 26 February 2013 17:18

Hits: 1757

Read more: The Future of Women in the MENA Region, a Tunisian and Egyptian Perspective

Uplifting One Billion People in Ten Years

We now live in an age where both the rate of technological advancement and rate of diffusion are rising exponentially. Because of this, we can for the first time construct an incentive prize, with a surprisingly tiny amount of funding and administrative effort, that promises to uplift 1 Billion of the poorest people in the world by the end of the next decade.

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Last Updated on Monday, 29 April 2013 17:29

Hits: 1511

Tackling poverty in Southern and South Africa - what are the ways forward?

Tackling poverty in Southern and South Africa - what are the ways forward?

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Last Updated on Tuesday, 26 February 2013 17:11

Hits: 1474

Young Global Leaders 2030 - Fight Poverty

What will the world look like in 2030 ? What will the dominant trends be? Is it possible to start influencing tomorrow's world today? These are the questions preoccupying the Young Global Leaders.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 26 February 2013 17:08

Hits: 1856

Read more: Young Global Leaders 2030 - Fight Poverty

Poverty Alleviation Strategies for 2011

Fifty of the world's leading minds on global economic and trade issues gathered in Johannesburg this week to discuss poverty alleviation strategies. Joining ABN on how Africa can take advantage of favourable economic trends to fight poverty is Prof. David Hulme, Executive Director of the Brooks Institute at the University of Manchester.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 26 February 2013 17:06

Hits: 1778

Read more: Poverty Alleviation Strategies for 2011

Gateways to Global Poverty Reduction and Financial Inclusion

Policymakers around the world are turning to conditional cash transfer (CCT) programs in hopes of spurring social and economic change in their countries. Yet, while CCTs have proven effective in achieving certain poverty alleviation goals, such as better health and education, only recently have we begun to explore the potential of CCTs to reduce poverty through wealth accumulation.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 26 February 2013 17:02

Hits: 1804

Read more: Gateways to Global Poverty Reduction and Financial Inclusion

The End of Poverty?

Activist filmmaker Philippe Diaz examines the history and impact of economic inequality in the third world in the documentary The End of Poverty?, and makes the compelling argument that it's not an accident or simple bad luck that has created a growing underclass around the world.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 26 February 2013 16:58

Hits: 1885

Read more: The End of Poverty?


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