The African Manifesto for Science, Technology and Innovation

Organisation: African Technology Policy Studies Network
Publish Date: 2010
Country: Africa
Sector: Innovation
Method: Creative thinking
Theme: Futures
Type: Report
Language: English
Tags: Innovation, Science, Technology, Development, Self-Rule
The Manifesto envisions a new renaissance in Africa, a new world order in which there is self-rule and democratic governance of STI in Africa for African development. It sets out three core actions required to achieve this vision: Restoration of confidence in African STI and African experts by Africans, concerted public and private investments in building sustainable STI infrastructures, adoption of proactive policies to fully embed African STI in African societies. The Manifesto recognizes a number of critical challenges that might limit the full operationalization of this vision, including historically path dependence shaped by Africa’s colonial experiences, informed “literary studies” rather than “pure science & technology education” in Africa.
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