Contributions to the Development of a General Methodology for Innovation and Forecasting

Organisation: The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Romania
Publish Date: 2011
Country: Global
Sector: Research
Method: Creative thinking
Theme: Strategic Thinking
Type: Conference paper
Language: English
Tags: Innovation, Forecasting, Matrix, Methodology, TRIZ
The paper presents the authors’ contributions to the achievement of a first variant of the innovation and forecasting methodology. The various tools of TRIZ methodology (laws of systems development set for technical systems, the matrix of contradictions, the 40 inventive principles, the 39 parameters, Su-Field analysis, the method of the 9 screens etc.) are already available, or can be customised to the specific type of the organization system. The TRIZ methodology for economics was embedded in a more general methodology for innovation and forecasting. The eight laws of evolution systems were customised to economics. The authors also make a comparative analysis of the technical TRIZ matrix to the company management matrix. Based on the analysis performed, it can be concluded that a general methodology can be prepared for innovation and forecasting, making use of TRIZ methodology, by customising some classical instruments of the technical field, and bringing in other specific economic tools.
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