Cities of the future: Global competition, local leadership
Organisation: PricewaterhouseCoopers
Publish Date: 2005
Country: Global
Sector: Development
Method: Foresight
Theme: Public Good
Type: Report
Language: English
Tags: Trends, Intellectual and social capital, Democratic capital, Cultural and leisure capital, Environmental capital, Technical capital, Financial capital, Managing capitals
In this report, the first from the network, we set out to discover the principle challenges and trends that are influencing city leaders in their strategies for delivering prosperous and socially harmonious environments for their citizens. In the course of our research, we interviewed over 40 senior figures from cities all over the world. What emerges from these interviews is a number of common themes that all city leaders, despite their specific circumstances, believe to be setting the agenda for their cities. This report takes those themes and explores some of the strategic responses required for effective leadership. We have analysed the constituent elements of the city into a number of different asset groups, or capitals, that form the basis for developing a strategic agenda that will take a city forward. These capitals cover the people, knowledge, natural resources, technical infrastructure, finances, democratic and political aspects and cultural values that a city embodies. Using these capitals as a starting point, the report examines how different cities around the world are developing their understanding of each form of capital and assessing how they can ensure that they develop the city intelligence to make the best use of the capitals they have and develop those which may be in shorter supply
Located in: Resources