Contemporary Security and Development Trends in the Great Lakes Region
Organisation: The University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Publish Date: 2008
Country: Africa
Sector: Community
Method: Creative thinking
Theme: Protection
Type: Report
Language: English
Tags: Regional security, Great Lakes Region, Conflict, Destabilizing groups, Economic reconstruction, Peace
Specifically, the study seeks answers to these questions: What is the current regional security and political situation in the GLR? How is this situation different from or similar to the security context that animated the The Multi-Country Demobilization and Reintegration Program (MDRP)? Answers to these questions are important to highlight and telescope some of the regional challenges and their potential impact on future DDR programs. The bulk of the analysis is on security and development trends in core GLR countries — Burundi, the DRC, Rwanda, and Uganda. This is followed by a brief sketch of the regional security environment and concluding remarks on the impact of this environment on future DDR programs.
Located in: Resources