The dynamics and trends of employment in Kenya

Organisation: Institute of Economic Affairs – Kenya
Publish Date: 2010
Country: Kenya
Sector: Social Development
Method: Creative thinking
Theme: Employment
Type: Report
Language: English
Tags: Employment, Employment creation, Macroeconomic measures, GDP, Labour market, Productivity, Organizational competitiveness
The broad objective of this study was to document the dynamics and trends of employment in Kenya. Specifically, the study sought to: Identify and analyse the trends in both formal and informal sector employment in Kenya over the last two decades; Correlate the identified trends in formal and informal sector employment to economic growth patterns over the same period; Establish the determinants of employment in Kenya; Interrogate the foundations of employment creation proposals in Vision 2030 and other related policy documents, and ascertain the extent to which they are able to facilitate achievement of the stated employment creation goals; Comment on wages and wage determination policy and its effects on productivity and employment growth in Kenya and finally to suggest appropriate policy options and reforms required to facilitate sustained employment growth in Kenya.
Located in: Resources