Mining in the Future: Autonomous Robotics for Safer Mines
Organisation: CSIR South Africa
Publish Date: October 2012
Country: South Africa
Sector: Mining
Method: Creative thinking
Theme: Finance
Language: English
Tags: Autonomous robotics, Robotics, Mining, Field robotics, Autonomous Rover, Mine safety,
Mine Safety Platform, Mine blasts, Post-blast
Mine Safety Platform, Mine blasts, Post-blast
Presentation at ‘Mining in the Future: Autonomous Robotics for Safer Mines. 4th Biennial CSIR Conference: Real problems relevant solutions, CSIR, Pretoria, 9-10 October 2012, focusing on safer mines with reduced hazard to which personnel are exposed; improved production and efficiency; gaining access to new resources. Looks at field robotics, the advantage of autonomous robots in increasing the safety in mining operations in many fields.
Located in: Resources