Climate change and global water resources: SRES emissions and socio-economic scenarios
Organisation: Global Environmental Change, Elsevier
Publish Date: 2004
Country: Global
Sector: Environment
Method: Scenarios
Theme: Water
Type: Other publication
Language: English
Tags: Climate change, global water resources, SRES emissions, Socio-economic, Scenarios, Climate change impacts; Global water resources; Water resources stresses; SRES emissions scenarios; Macro-scale hydrological model;
Multi-decadal variability
Multi-decadal variability
In 1995, nearly 1400 million people lived in water-stressed watersheds (runoff less than 1000m3/capita/year), mostly in south west Asia, the Middle East and around the Mediterranean. This paper describes an assessment of the relative effect of climate change and population growth on future global and regional water resources stresses, using SRES socio-economic scenarios and climate projections made using six climate models driven by SRES emissions scenarios.
Located in: Resources