Confronting South Africa’s water challenge
Organisation: McKinsey & Company
Publish Date: 2010
Country: South Africa
Sector: Environment
Method: Foresight
Theme: Water
Type: Other publication
Language: English
Tags: Water, South Africa, Foresight
Water resource management looms as one of the greatest global challenges of the 21st century. Around the world, businesses, governments, and policy makers alike must work together to move beyond business as usual not only to increase the supply and improve the productivity of current resources but also to reduce withdrawals by reshaping underlying economic activities. In South Africa, the challenge is complex: a semiarid country characterized by low rainfall, limited under-ground aquifers, and a reliance on significant water transfers from neighboring nations, South Africa will face difficult economic and social choices between the demands of agriculture, key industrial activities such as mining and power generation, and large and growing urban centers.
Located in: Resources