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Serving the Water and Sanitation Sector: Resource centre experiences, developments and future trends

Author: Liqa Raschid-Sally, Mariëlle Snel, Teun Bastemeijer
Organisation: IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre
Publish Date: 2001
Country: Global
Sector: Environment
Theme: Water
Type: Other publication
Language: English
Tags: Water, Sanitation, Strategy, Trends

In a complex and challenging world people need access to a collective information and knowledge base that can help them to find the best way forward, and prevent them from making the same mistakes that others have made. Sharing knowledge about experiences from the past makes it easier to devise strategies for the future. It also helps stakeholders to play their roles more effectively and to create the collective commitment to face the challenges of the coming decades.

This publication will focus on resource centres (RCs). By providing improved access to knowledge RCs will create the conditions for enabling change in the water and sanitation sector. The aim of this publication is to assist in understanding the notion of a resource centre and how best resource centres could achieve their potential.
Located in: Resources
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