Mapping global urban and rural population distributions: Estimates of future global population distribution to 2015
Organisation: FAO and The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York
Publish Date: 2005
Country: Global
Sector: Development
Method: Mapping
Theme: Poverty
Type: Other publication
Language: English
Tags: Mapping, Population, Urban, Rural, Demographic
There is considerable interest in the future distribution of human population. In the near term, however, there are no formal demographic forecasts of population that are spatially explicit. This exercise is a stop–gap measure to address a short-term scenario: If the current rates of population growth, as observed in the decade prior to 2000, continue for 15 years, what would the distribution of population look like in the year 2015?
Mapping global urban and rural population distributions - Estimates of future global population distribution to 2015.pdf
Located in: Resources