Strategies for Creating Urban Youth Employment: Solutions for Urban Youth in Africa
Organisation: United Nations, UN-HABITAT, Youth Employment Network (YEN)
Publish Date: June 2004
Country: Africa
Sector: Development
Method: Environmental scanning
Theme: Unemployment
Type: Other publication
Language: English
Tags: Africa, Youth, Urban Youth, Employment
The Expert group meeting and Youth Roundtable was organized by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs in collaboration with UN-HABITAT and the Youth Employment Network (YEN) Secretariat, held in Nairobi at the Gigiri Conference Center from 21-25 June 2004. It brought together experts, practitioners and young people to address policies and programmes for urban youth job creation. The overarching objective of the Expert group meeting and the adjoining Youth Roundtable was to support the goals and objectives of the Youth Employment Network and focus on the ways individuals and institutions, public and private, plan and manage youth employment creation in cities as well as to promote an exchange of experiences and best practices
Located in: Resources