The Youth Research Compendium
Organisation: Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA)
Publish Date: 2011
Country: Africa
Sector: Education
Method: Expert panels
Theme: Youth
Type: Other publication
Language: English
Tags: youth demographics; un/employment; access to education; quality of education; health; family development; political participation; vigilantism; crime; entertainment; sports
Given the central role young people played in the post election violence in 2007, the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA-Kenya) sought to understand the state of youth in Kenya and explore the political, economic, social and environmental implications of a growing youth population now and in the future. In November 2010, IEA-Kenya published and launched the Youth Fact Book: Infinite Possibility or Definite Disaster? which generated considerable debate on the age, gender, regional and socio-economic dynamics of Kenya’s youth. In this second publication, the IEA-Kenya documents past trends which have contributed to the present state of affairs in youth demographics, employment, education, health, family, participation, vigilantism, crime, entertainment and sports. The work also identifies driving forces that have influenced these trends while analyzing those that are likely to shape the future. This is with the aim of understanding possible opportunities and risks that lie ahead in a country that is experiencing a demographic shift from a child-rich to a youth-rich population structure. A review of relevant policies to appreciate existing opportunities and gaps in order to design possible interventions is also incorporated in the researches
Located in: Resources