Central Africa Regional Integration Strategy Paper 2011-2015

Organisation: African Development Bank, African Development Fund
Publish Date: February 2011
Challenges and Future Perspectives for Tourism Development in The Central Rift Valley, Ethiopia
This study aims to answer the following research question: What are the potentials, challenges and future perspectives of tourism developments in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia? As part of the f

Organisation: Adriaan Kauffmann
Publish Date: August 2008
Challenges for the Future of Learning Until 2030: Foresight on Learning, Innovation and Creativity
As scientific and technological knowledge spreads faster due to modern information and communication technologies (ICT) as well as improved research methods, the half-life of knowledge is getting inc

Organisation: LearnTec 2010
Publish Date: February 2010
Changes in Nature's Balance Sheet
Abstract from the paper: "Four quantitative scenarios are presented that describe changes in worldwide ecosystem services up to 2050–2100. A set of soft-linked global models of human demography, econ

Organisation: Ecology and Society 10(2): 19
Publish Date: 2005
Changing the future of obesity: science, policy, and action
The global obesity epidemic has been escalating for four decades, yet sustained prevention efforts have barely begun. An emerging science that uses quantitative models has provided key insights into t

Organisation: Harvard School of Public Health
Publish Date: 2011
Charting a preferred future for healthcare in South Africa
The objectives of this research report on a scenario planning exercise for the SA healthcare sector were to prepare the material that would feed into such an exercise, to document some ideas about ho

Organisation: University of Stellenbosch
Publish Date: March 2011
Cheaper electricity with renewable energy - Costing a 15% target for 2020 for South Africa
South Africa has about a quarter of the world’s best sunlight of all land mass (around 25% of the highest category of insolation, i.e. solar power potential). This national resource, as well as bount

Organisation: WWF
Publish Date: 2009
Checking Out the Future: Perspectives from the Library Community on Information Technology and 21st-Century Libraries
Checking Out the Future: Perspectives from the Library Community on Information Technology and 21st-Century Libraries explores how many library professionals are recognizing the need to evolve during

Organisation: American Library Association
Publish Date: February 2010
Child Malnutrition: An Overview of Trends, Issues, and Policy Prescriptions
The overall objective of this study is to address the questions which would help the policy makers use resources wisely to reduce child malnutrition as quickly as possible between now and 2020.

Organisation: Interfaces
Publish Date: 2006
Child Malnutrition: Trends and Issues
Approximately, one out of every three children under five in developing countries is malnourished. Data clearly shows that the worst affected region is South Asia.

Organisation: Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India
Publish Date: 2010