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A Demographic Model to Predict Future Growth of the Addo Elephant
An age-structured demographic model of the growth of the Addo elephant population was developed using parameters calculated from long-term data on the population.

Organisation: University of Port Elizabeth
Publish Date: 1999
A forecast of the role and effectiveness of devolved government in Kenya: Four scenarios
Kenya recently crossed the threshold of major political change. The new 2010 Constitution of Kenya has provided a system of devolved government that has undertaken to make a clean break from a past o

Organisation: Jan Bezuidenhout
Publish Date: March 2012
A Future of Fewer Words? - Five Trends Shaping the Future of Language
Natural selection is as much a phenomenon in human language as it is in natural ecosystems. An ongoing “survival of the fittest” may lead to continuing expansion of image-based communications and the

Organisation: University of Oklahoma
Publish Date: 2012
A Global Innovation Outlook Africa Report
The kind of economic change taking place in Africa today has the potential to affect every company, organization, and individual on the planet. As such, steering that change in positive directions re

Organisation: IBM
Publish Date: 2008
A learning developmental state for a Sustainable South Africa
This paper investigates the specific South African challenges that need to be addressed by the development state in the search for sustainability, and the lessons that can be learnt from the latest t

Organisation: University of Stellenbosch
Publish Date: 2009
A new look at long-term labor force projections to 2050
Among the factors affecting the composition and growth of the labour force over the next 50 years are the ageing of the baby-boom generation, the stabilization of women’s labour force participation r

Organisation: Monthly Labor Review
Publish Date: November 2006
A Parliament with Teeth for Tanzania
In this candid and balanced report, three eminent parliamentarians describe their roles in these far-reaching reforms: from the first parliamentary committee of enquiry, to regular Prime Minister’s Q

Organisation: Africa Research Institute
Publish Date: 2008
A Policy Coherence Roadmap in ICT and Infrastructure Pillar towards Knowledge Society Development in Kenya
Any policy in government has to be aligned to the Kenya Vision 2030. ICT policy provides a roadmap for ICT implementation and coherence. Policies seem to be weak in compliance of action plans.

Organisation: ICT and INFRASTRUCTURE Pillar- Kenya
Publish Date: No date
A Policy Coherence Roadmap in ICT and Infrastructure Pillar towards Knowledge Society Development in Tanzania
Notes that Knowledge Society (KS) in Tanzania is at a low level, Implementation of KS enabler policies are erratic, Leadership (willingness & commitment), Human capacity to fully execute KS projects,

Organisation: Tanzania Group 2 – ICT Pillar
Publish Date: Aug 2012
A prediction of Obesity Trends for Adults and their associated diseases
The National Heart Forum Modelling Team compare trends including the most recent data from Health Survey for England (2000- 2007) to the analysis conducted for the Foresight report for adults in thre

Organisation: National Heart Forum
Publish Date: 2010