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A Real Cultural Revolution
In the evolution of electronics, particularly the new technique of digital printing, Per Gedin sees a process that ‘will change the face of publishing in every country’ and whose advent means that ‘A

Organisation: The Journal of The Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation
Publish Date: 2002
A review of global scenario exercises for food security analysis
Reviews the scenario literature with a particular focus on the implications for global food security. In total nine major global scenario studies, published between 2000 and 2012, are covered. Four o

Organisation: LEI-Wageningen UR
Publish Date: September 2012
A Review of M-Learning Models
In the most recent times, mobile visitors form the fastest growing Web community. The ease with which web pages or information is retrieved from the Web using PDAs or cell phones is a result of the r

Organisation: Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Vol 1 No 4 426-435
Publish Date: 2010
A Scenario-Based Holistic Approach To Environmental Flow Assessments
Sustainable use of river ecosystems requires that they be managed holistically. This paper describes an holistic methodology, DRIFT (Downstream Response to Imposed Flow Transformation), for advising

Organisation: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Publish Date: 2003
A Study of Personal Service Robot Future Marketing Trend
The new market for the robotics can be concluded into industrial service, personal service and professional service three segments. For personal service robot (PSR) segment, utilizations are includin

Organisation: Institute of Management of Technology, National Chiao Tung University & Institute of management of a
Publish Date: 2006
A Systems-Oriented Multilevel Framework for Addressing Obesity in the 21st Century
Current levels of obesity reflect complex social changes and biological susceptibilities, and their interactions, during the last 40 years. Individual behaviors such as eating and physical activity d

Organisation: Terry T. Huang, Adam Drewnowski, Shiriki K. Kumanyik, Thomas A. Glas
Publish Date: 2009
A Vision for Life Long Learning – Year 2020
Technology in education has two faces: one of transformation and one of hype. The printing press revolutionized access to education, and in the process an explosion in scientific inquiry was born. Te

Organisation: Microsoft Research
Publish Date: 2006
A Vision for Mining and Minerals: Applying Causal Layered Analysis and Art
Vision 2040 provided mining stakeholders with an opportunity to engage in a creative process that aimed to establish a shared vision for Australia's minerals future one where Australia's minerals are

Organisation: Institute for Sustainable Futures Australia
Publish Date: 2011
A Vision of a smarter city: How Nairobi can lead the way into a prosperous and sustainable future
Urbanization is accelerating across the world. These new cities are using technology as a cornerstone of their development. To seize opportunities and build sustainable prosperity, cities need to bec

Organisation: IBM
Publish Date: March 2012
A vision of smarter cities: How cities can lead the way into a prosperous and sustainable future
A city aims to deliver sustainable prosperity for its citizens. Cities stand on the cusp of their century, with new power – and new responsibility – economically, politically and technologically. Acr

Organisation: IBM Institute for Business Value
Publish Date: December 2009